» Resource: aws_lightsail_domain
Creates a domain resource for the specified domain (e.g., example.com). You cannot register a new domain name using Lightsail. You must register a domain name using Amazon Route 53 or another domain name registrar. If you have already registered your domain, you can enter its name in this parameter to manage the DNS records for that domain.
Note: Lightsail is currently only supported in a limited number of AWS Regions, please see "Regions and Availability Zones in Amazon Lightsail" for more details
» Example Usage, creating a new domain
resource "aws_lightsail_domain" "domain_test" {
domain_name = "mydomain.com"
» Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) The name of the Lightsail domain to manage
» Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above: