» Resource: aws_neptune_cluster

Provides an Neptune Cluster Resource. A Cluster Resource defines attributes that are applied to the entire cluster of Neptune Cluster Instances.

Changes to a Neptune Cluster can occur when you manually change a parameter, such as backup_retention_period, and are reflected in the next maintenance window. Because of this, Terraform may report a difference in its planning phase because a modification has not yet taken place. You can use the apply_immediately flag to instruct the service to apply the change immediately (see documentation below).

» Example Usage

resource "aws_neptune_cluster" "default" {
  cluster_identifier                  = "neptune-cluster-demo"
  engine                              = "neptune"
  backup_retention_period             = 5
  preferred_backup_window             = "07:00-09:00"
  skip_final_snapshot                 = true
  iam_database_authentication_enabled = true
  apply_immediately                   = true

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • apply_immediately - (Optional) Specifies whether any cluster modifications are applied immediately, or during the next maintenance window. Default is false.
  • availability_zones - (Optional) A list of EC2 Availability Zones that instances in the Neptune cluster can be created in.
  • backup_retention_period - (Optional) The days to retain backups for. Default 1
  • cluster_identifier - (Optional, Forces new resources) The cluster identifier. If omitted, Terraform will assign a random, unique identifier.
  • cluster_identifier_prefix - (Optional, Forces new resource) Creates a unique cluster identifier beginning with the specified prefix. Conflicts with cluster_identifier.
  • engine - (Optional) The name of the database engine to be used for this Neptune cluster. Defaults to neptune.
  • engine_version - (Optional) The database engine version.
  • final_snapshot_identifier - (Optional) The name of your final Neptune snapshot when this Neptune cluster is deleted. If omitted, no final snapshot will be made.
  • iam_roles - (Optional) A List of ARNs for the IAM roles to associate to the Neptune Cluster.
  • iam_database_authentication_enabled - (Optional) Specifies whether or mappings of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts is enabled.
  • kms_key_arn - (Optional) The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_arn, storage_encrypted needs to be set to true.
  • neptune_subnet_group_name - (Optional) A Neptune subnet group to associate with this Neptune instance.
  • neptune_cluster_parameter_group_name - (Optional) A cluster parameter group to associate with the cluster.
  • preferred_backup_window - (Optional) The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled using the BackupRetentionPeriod parameter. Time in UTC. Default: A 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of time per region. e.g. 04:00-09:00
  • preferred_maintenance_window - (Optional) The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in (UTC) e.g. wed:04:00-wed:04:30
  • port - (Optional) The port on which the Neptune accepts connections. Default is 8182.
  • replication_source_identifier - (Optional) ARN of a source Neptune cluster or Neptune instance if this Neptune cluster is to be created as a Read Replica.
  • skip_final_snapshot - (Optional) Determines whether a final Neptune snapshot is created before the Neptune cluster is deleted. If true is specified, no Neptune snapshot is created. If false is specified, a Neptune snapshot is created before the Neptune cluster is deleted, using the value from final_snapshot_identifier. Default is false.
  • snapshot_identifier - (Optional) Specifies whether or not to create this cluster from a snapshot. You can use either the name or ARN when specifying a Neptune cluster snapshot, or the ARN when specifying a Neptune snapshot.
  • storage_encrypted - (Optional) Specifies whether the Neptune cluster is encrypted. The default is false if not specified.
  • tags - (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the Neptune cluster.
  • vpc_security_group_ids - (Optional) List of VPC security groups to associate with the Cluster

» Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • arn - The Neptune Cluster Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
  • cluster_resource_id - The Neptune Cluster Resource ID
  • cluster_members – List of Neptune Instances that are a part of this cluster
  • endpoint - The DNS address of the Neptune instance
  • hosted_zone_id - The Route53 Hosted Zone ID of the endpoint
  • id - The Neptune Cluster Identifier
  • reader_endpoint - A read-only endpoint for the Neptune cluster, automatically load-balanced across replicas
  • status - The Neptune instance status

» Timeouts

aws_neptune_cluster provides the following Timeouts configuration options:

  • create - (Default 120 minutes) Used for Cluster creation
  • update - (Default 120 minutes) Used for Cluster modifications
  • delete - (Default 120 minutes) Used for destroying cluster. This includes any cleanup task during the destroying process.

» Import

aws_neptune_cluster can be imported by using the cluster identifier, e.g.

$ terraform import aws_neptune_cluster.example my-cluster