» Data source: azurerm_batch_pool

Use this data source to access information about an existing Batch pool

» Example Usage

data "azurerm_batch_pool "test" {
  name                = "testbatchpool"
  account_name        = "testbatchaccount"
  resource_group_name = "test"

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The Batch pool ID.

  • name - The name of the Batch pool.

  • account_name - The name of the Batch account.

  • node_agent_sku_id - The Sku of the node agents in the Batch pool.

  • vm_size - The size of the VM created in the Batch pool.

  • fixed_scale - A fixed_scale block that describes the scale settings when using fixed scale.

  • auto_scale - A auto_scale block that describes the scale settings when using auto scale.

  • storage_image_reference - The reference of the storage image used by the nodes in the Batch pool.

  • start_task - A start_task block that describes the start task settings for the Batch pool.

  • max_tasks_per_node - The maximum number of tasks that can run concurrently on a single compute node in the pool.

  • certificate - One or more certificate blocks that describe the certificates installed on each compute node in the pool.

A fixed_scale block exports the following:

A auto_scale block exports the following:

  • evaluation_interval - The interval to wait before evaluating if the pool needs to be scaled.

  • formula - The autoscale formula that needs to be used for scaling the Batch pool.

A start_task block exports the following:

  • command_line - The command line executed by the start task.

  • max_task_retry_count - The number of retry count.

  • wait_for_success - A flag that indicates if the Batch pool should wait for the start task to be completed.

  • environment - A map of strings (key,value) that represents the environment variables to set in the start task.

  • user_identity - A user_identity block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.

  • resource_file - (Optional) One or more resource_file blocks that describe the files to be downloaded to a compute node.

A user_identity block exports the following:

  • user_name - The username to be used by the Batch pool start task.

  • auto_user - A auto_user block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.

A auto_user block exports the following:

  • elevation_level - The elevation level of the user identity under which the start task runs.

  • scope - The scope of the user identity under which the start task runs.

A certificate block exports the following:

  • id - The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.

  • store_location - The location of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed, either CurrentUser or LocalMachine.

  • store_name - The name of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed.
  • visibility - Which user accounts on the compute node have access to the private data of the certificate.

A resource_file block exports the following:

  • auto_storage_container_name - The storage container name in the auto storage account.

  • blob_prefix - The blob prefix used when downloading blobs from an Azure Storage container.

  • file_mode - The file permission mode attribute represented as a string in octal format (e.g. "0644").

  • file_path - The location on the compute node to which to download the file, relative to the task's working directory. If the http_url property is specified, the file_path is required and describes the path which the file will be downloaded to, including the filename. Otherwise, if the auto_storage_container_name or storage_container_url property is specified.

  • http_url - The URL of the file to download. If the URL is Azure Blob Storage, it must be readable using anonymous access.

  • storage_container_url - The URL of the blob container within Azure Blob Storage.