» bigip_ltm_persistence_profile_cookie

Configures a cookie persistence profile

» Example

resource "bigip_ltm_persistence_profile_cookie" "test_ppcookie" {
    name = "/Common/terraform_cookie"
    defaults_from = "/Common/cookie"
    match_across_pools = "enabled"
    match_across_services = "enabled"
    match_across_virtuals = "enabled"
    timeout = 3600
    override_conn_limit = "enabled"
    always_send = "enabled"
    cookie_encryption = "required"
    cookie_encryption_passphrase = "iam"
    cookie_name = "ham"
    expiration = "1:0:0"
    hash_length = 0

    lifecycle {
        ignore_changes = [ "cookie_encryption_passphrase" ]

» Reference

name - (Required) Name of the virtual address

defaults_from - (Required) Parent cookie persistence profile

match_across_pools (Optional) (enabled or disabled) match across pools with given persistence record

match_across_services (Optional) (enabled or disabled) match across services with given persistence record

match_across_virtuals (Optional) (enabled or disabled) match across virtual servers with given persistence record

mirror (Optional) (enabled or disabled) mirror persistence record

timeout (Optional) (enabled or disabled) Timeout for persistence of the session in seconds

override_conn_limit (Optional) (enabled or disabled) Enable or dissable pool member connection limits are overridden for persisted clients. Per-virtual connection limits remain hard limits and are not overridden.

always_send (Optional) (enabled or disabled) always send cookies

cookie_encryption (Optional) (required, preferred, or disabled) To required, preferred, or disabled policy for cookie encryption

cookie_encryption_passphrase (Optional) (required, preferred, or disabled) Passphrase for encrypted cookies. The field is encrypted on the server and will always return differently then set. If this is configured specify ignore_changes under the lifecycle block to ignore returned encrypted value.

cookie_name (Optional) Name of the cookie to track persistence

expiration (Optional) Expiration TTL for cookie specified in DAY:HOUR:MIN:SECONDS (Examples: 1:0:0:0 one day, 1:0:0 one hour, 30:0 thirty minutes)

hash_length (Optional) (Integer) Length of hash to apply to cookie

hash_offset (Optional) (Integer) Number of characters to skip in the cookie for the hash

httponly (Optional) (enabled or disabled) Sending only over http