» bigip_ltm_profile_http

bigip_ltm_profile_http Configures a custom profile_http for use by health checks.

For resources should be named with their "full path". The full path is the combination of the partition + name of the resource. For example /Common/my-pool.

» Example Usage

resource "bigip_ltm_profile_http" "sanjose-http"

          name = "/Common/sanjose-http"
          defaults_from = "/Common/http"
          description = "some http"
          fallback_host = "titanic"
          fallback_status_codes = ["400","500","300"]

» Argument Reference

  • name (Required) Name of the profile_http

  • defaults_from - (Required) Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.

  • fallback_host - (Optional) Specifies an HTTP fallback host. HTTP redirection allows you to redirect HTTP traffic to another protocol identifier, host name, port number

  • fallback_status_codes - (Optional) Specifies one or more three-digit status codes that can be returned by an HTTP server.

  • oneconnect_transformations - (Optional) Enables the system to perform HTTP header transformations for the purpose of keeping server-side connections open. This feature requires configuration of a OneConnect profile

  • basic_auth_realm - (Optional) Specifies a quoted string for the basic authentication realm. The system sends this string to a client whenever authorization fails. The default value is none

  • head_insert - (Optional) Specifies a quoted header string that you want to insert into an HTTP request

  • insert_xforwarded_for - (Optional) When using connection pooling, which allows clients to make use of other client requests' server-side connections, you can insert the X-Forwarded-For header and specify a client IP address