» bigip_ltm_profile_httpcompress

bigip_ltm_profile_httpcompress Virtual server HTTP compression profile configuration

For resources should be named with their "full path". The full path is the combination of the partition + name of the resource. For example /Common/my-pool.

» Example Usage

 resource "bigip_ltm_profile_httpcompress" "sjhttpcompression"

            name = "/Common/sjhttpcompression2"
            defaults_from = "/Common/httpcompression"
            uri_exclude   = ["www.abc.f5.com", "www.abc2.f5.com"]
            uri_include   = ["www.xyzbc.cisco.com"]
            content_type_include = ["nicecontent.com"]
            content_type_exclude = ["nicecontentexclude.com"]

» Argument Reference

  • name (Required) Name of the profile_httpcompress

  • defaults_from - (Optional) Specifies the profile that you want to use as the parent profile. Your new profile inherits all settings and values from the parent profile specified.

  • uri_exclude - (Optional) Disables compression on a specified list of HTTP Request-URI responses. Use a regular expression to specify a list of URIs you do not want to compress.

  • uri_include - (Optional) Enables compression on a specified list of HTTP Request-URI responses. Use a regular expression to specify a list of URIs you want to compress.

  • content_type_include - (Optional) Specifies a list of content types for compression of HTTP Content-Type responses. Use a string list to specify a list of content types you want to compress.

  • content_type_exclude - (Optional) Excludes a specified list of content types from compression of HTTP Content-Type responses. Use a string list to specify a list of content types you want to compress.