» brightbox_database_snapshot

Use this data source to get the ID of a Brightbox Database Snapshot for use in other resources.

» Example Usage

data "brightbox_database_snapshot" "today" {
    name = "Main db"
    most_recent = true

» Argument Reference

  • most_recent - (Optional) If more than one result is returned, use the most recent image based upon the created_at time.

  • name - (Optional) A regex string to apply to the Database Snapshot list returned by Brightbox Cloud.

  • description - (Optional) A regex string to apply to the Database Snapshot list returned by Brightbox Cloud.

  • database_engine = (Optional) The engine of the database used to create the snapshot, e.g. mysql

  • database_version = (Optional) The version of the database used to create the snapshot, e.g. 5.6

» Attributes Reference

id is set to the ID of the found Database Snapshot. In addition, the following attributes are exported:

  • size - The size of database partition in megabytes
  • status - The state the image is in. Usually available, or deleted.
  • created_at - The time and date the image was created/registered (UTC)
  • locked - true if image has been set as locked and can not be deleted