» brightbox_cloudip

Provides a Brightbox CloudIP resource.

» Example Usage

resource "brightbox_cloudip" "web-public" {
  target = "${brightbox_server.web.interface}"
  name = "web-1 public address"
  port_translator {
      protocol = "tcp"
      incoming = 80
      outgoing = 8080
  port_translator {
      protocol = "udp"
      incoming = 53
      outgoing = 8053

resource "brightbox_server" "web" {
  image  = "img-testy"
  name   = "web-1"
  zone = "gb1a"
  type = "512mb.ssd"
  server_groups = [ "grp-testy" ]

Cloud ips can just be reserved

resource "brightbox_cloudip" "myapp-public" {
  name = "Reserved for use by application"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Optional) a label to assign to the CloudIP
  • reverse_dns - (Optional) The reverse DNS entry for the CloudIP
  • target - (Optional) The CloudIP mapping target. This is the interface id from a server, or the id of a load balancer, server group or cloud sql resource.
  • port_translator - (Optional) An array of port translator blocks. The Port Translator block is descibed below

Note that the default group for each account cannot be used as the target for a cloud ip.

Port Translator (port_translator) supports the following: * incoming - (Required) The Port number traffic is coming in on the network * outgoing - (Required) The Port number traffic is received at the mapped device * protocol - (Required) The protocol of the port translator. Either tcp or udp

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the CloudIP
  • fqdn - Fully Qualified Domain Name of the CloudIP
  • public_ip - the public IPV4 address of the CloudIP
  • status - Current state of the CloudIP: mapped or unmapped
  • username - The username used to log onto the server

» Import

CloudIPs can be imported using the id, e.g.

terraform import brightbox_cloudip.mycloudip cip-vsalc

» Timeouts

brightbox_cloudip provides the following Timeouts configuration options:

  • create - (Default 5 minutes) Used for Mapping Cloud IPs
  • delete - (Default 5 minutes) Used for Unmapping Cloud IPs