» brightbox_database_server

Provides a Brightbox Database Server resource. This can be used to create, modify, and delete Database Servers.

» Example Usage

resource "brightbox_database_server" "default" {
    name = "Default DB"
    description = "Default DB used by servers"
    database_engine = "mysql"
    database_version = "5.6"
    database_type = "${data.brightbox_database_type.4gb.id}"
    maintenance_weekday = 5
    maintenance_hour = 4
    snapshots_schedule = "0 5 * * *"
    allow_access = [

data "brightbox_database_type" "4gb" {
    name = "^SSD 4GB$"

resource "brightbox_server" "foobar" {
    name = "database access"
    image = "img-testy"
    server_groups = [ "${brightbox_server_group.barfoo.id}" ]

resource "brightbox_server_group" "barfoo" {
    name = "database access group"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • allow_access (Required) - A list of server group ids, server ids or IPv4 address references the database server should be accessible from. There must be at least one entry in the list
  • name - (Optional) A label assigned to the Database Server
  • description - (Optional) A further description of the Database Server
  • maintenance_weekday - (Optional) Numerical index of weekday (0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday...) to set when automatic updates may be performed. Default is 0 (Sunday).
  • maintenance_hour - (Optional) Number representing 24hr time start of maintenance window hour for x:00-x:59 (0-23). Default is 6
  • snapshots_schedule - (Optional) A crontab pattern to determine approximately when scheduled snapshots will run (must be at least hourly)
  • database_engine - (Optional) Database engine to request. Default is mysql.
  • database_version - (Optional) Database version to request. Default is 5.5.
  • database_type - (Optional) ID of the Database Type required.
  • snapshot (Optional) - Database snapshot id to build from
  • zone - (Optional) The handle of the zone required (gb1-a, gb1-b)

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the Database Server
  • admin_username - The username used to log onto the database
  • admin_password - The password used to log onto the database
  • status - Current state of the database server, usually active or deleted
  • locked - True if database server has been set to locked and cannot be deleted
  • snapshots_schedule_next_at - The approximate UTC time when the next snapshot is scheduled

» Import

Database Servers can be imported using the id, e.g.

terraform import brightbox_database_server.mydatabase dbs-qwert

» Timeouts

brightbox_database_server provides the following Timeouts configuration options:

  • create - (Default 5 minutes) Used for Creating Databases
  • delete - (Default 5 minutes) Used for Deleting Databases