» brightbox_orbit_container

Provides a Brightbox Orbit Container resource. This can be used to create, modify, and delete Containers in Orbit.

» Example Usage

# Example Container
resource "brightbox_orbit_container" "initial" {
  name = "initial"
  metadata {
    "description" = "Initial database snapshots"
  container_read = "acc-testy,acc-12345"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) A label assigned to the Orbit container
  • metadata - (Optional) A dictionary of metadata key/value items. The key must be in lower case with no underscores or spaces
  • container_read (Optional) A set of accounts and referrals that are allowed to read the Orbit container
  • container_write (Optional) A set of accounts and referrals that are allowed to write to the Orbit container
  • container_sync_key (Optional) Sets the secret key for Orbit container synchronization. If this is cleared synchronisation stops
  • container_sync_to (Optional) Sets the destination for Orbit container synchronization. Used with container_sync_key
  • versions_location (Optional) The Orbit container to hold previous versions of this Orbit container's contents, which are automatically restored if an item is deleted. Cannot be used at the same time as history_location
  • history_location (Optional) The Orbit container to hold previous versions of this Orbit container's contents, where delete copies the item to history from this container. Cannot be used at the same time as versions_location

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • object_count - The number of items in the Orbit Container
  • bytes_used - The total size of the items in the Orbit Container
  • storage_policy - The storage policy in place for this container. Always 'Policy-0' at present
  • created_at - The time the container was created

» Import

Orbit Containers can be imported using the name, e.g.

terraform import brightbox_orbit_container.myorbitcontainer initial