» chef_node

A node is a computer whose configuration is managed by Chef.

Although this resource allows a node to be registered, it does not actually configure the computer in question to interact with Chef. In most cases it is better to use the chef provisioner to configure the Chef client on a computer and have it register itself with the Chef server.

» Example Usage

resource "chef_node" "example" {
  name             = "example-environment"
  environment_name = "${chef_environment.example.name}"
  run_list         = ["recipe[example]", "role[app_server]"]

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The unique name to assign to the node.
  • automatic_attributes_json - (Optional) String containing a JSON-serialized object containing the automatic attributes for the node.
  • normal_attributes_json - (Optional) String containing a JSON-serialized object containing the normal attributes for the node.
  • default_attributes_json - (Optional) String containing a JSON-serialized object containing the default attributes for the node.
  • override_attributes_json - (Optional) String containing a JSON-serialized object containing the override attributes for the node.
  • run_list - (Optional) List of strings to set as the run list for the node.

» Attributes Reference

This resource exports no further attributes.