» cloudflare_access_policy

Provides a Cloudflare Access Policy resource. Access Policies are used in conjunction with Access Applications to restrict access to a particular resource.

» Example Usage

# Allowing access to `test@example.com` email address only
resource "cloudflare_access_policy" "test_policy" {
  application_id = "cb029e245cfdd66dc8d2e570d5dd3322"
  zone_id        = "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
  name           = "staging policy"
  precedence     = "1"
  decision       = "allow"

  include = {
    email = ["test@example.com"]

# Allowing `test@example.com` to access but only when coming from a
# specific IP.
resource "cloudflare_access_policy" "test_policy" {
  application_id = "cb029e245cfdd66dc8d2e570d5dd3322"
  zone_id        = "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
  name           = "staging policy"
  precedence     = "1"
  decision       = "allow"

  include = {
    email = ["test@example.com"]

  require = {
    ip = ["${var.office_ip}"]

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • application_id - (Required) The ID of the application the policy is associated with.
  • zone_id - (Required) The DNS zone to which the access rule should be added.
  • decision - (Required) Defines the action Access will take if the policy matches the user. Allowed values: allow, deny, bypass
  • name - (Required) Friendly name of the Access Application.
  • precedence - (Optional) The unique precedence for policies on a single application. Integer.
  • require - (Optional) A series of access conditions, see below for full list.
  • exclude - (Optional) A series of access conditions, see below for full list.
  • include - (Required) A series of access conditions, see below for full list.

» Conditions

require, exclude and include arguments share the available conditions which can be applied. The conditions are:

  • ip - (Optional) A list of IP addresses or ranges. Example: ip = ["", ""]
  • email - (Optional) A list of email addresses. Example: email = ["test@example.com"]
  • email_domain - (Optional) A list of email domains. Example: email_domain = ["example.com"]
  • everyone - (Optional) Boolean indicating permitting access for all requests. Example: everyone = true

» Import

Access Policies can be imported using a composite ID formed of zone ID, application ID and policy ID.

$ terraform import cloudflare_access_policy.staging cb029e245cfdd66dc8d2e570d5dd3322/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e/67ea780ce4982c1cfbe6b7293afc765d
