» cloudflare_worker_route
Provides a Cloudflare worker route resource. A route will also require a cloudflare_worker_script
» Example Usage
NOTE: This is for non-enterprise accounts where there is one script per zone. The enabled
flag determines whether to run the worker script for a request that matches the specified pattern
. For enterprise accounts, see the "multi-script" example below.
# Enables the zone's worker script for all URLs that match `example.com/*`
resource "cloudflare_worker_route" "my_route" {
zone = "example.com"
pattern = "example.com/*"
enabled = true
# it's recommended to set `depends_on` to point to the cloudflare_worker_script
# resource in order to make sure that the script is uploaded before the route
# is created
depends_on = ["cloudflare_worker_script.my_script"]
resource "cloudflare_worker_script" "my_script" {
# see "cloudflare_worker_script" documentation ...
» Multi-script example usage
NOTE: This is only for enterprise accounts. With multi-script, each route points to a particular script instead of setting an enabled
# Runs the specified worker script for all URLs that match `example.com/*`
resource "cloudflare_worker_route" "my_route" {
zone = "example.com"
pattern = "example.com/*"
script_name = "${cloudflare_worker_script.my_script.name}"
resource "cloudflare_worker_script" "my_script" {
# see "cloudflare_worker_script" documentation ...
» Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) The zone to add the route to. -
- (Required) The route pattern -
(For single-script accounts only) Whether to run the worker script for requests that match the route pattern. Default isfalse
(For multi-script accounts only) Which worker script to run for requests that match the route pattern. Ifscript_name
is empty, workers will be skipped for matching requests.
» Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The zone id of the route
» Import
Records can be imported using a composite ID formed of zone name and route ID, e.g.
$ terraform import cloudflare_worker_route.default example.com/9a7806061c88ada191ed06f989cc3dac
- route ID as returned by API