» cloudflare_worker_script
Provides a Cloudflare worker script resource. In order for a script to be active, you'll also need to setup a cloudflare_worker_route
» Example Usage
NOTE: This is for non-enterprise accounts where there is one script per zone. For enterprise accounts, see the "multi-script" example below.
# Sets the script for the example.com zone
resource "cloudflare_worker_script" "my_script" {
zone = "example.com"
content = "${file("script.js")}"
» Multi-script example usage
NOTE: This is only for enterprise accounts. With multi-script, each script is given a name
instead of a zone
# Sets the script with the name "script_1"
resource "cloudflare_worker_script" "my_script" {
name = "script_1"
content = "${file("script.js")}"
» Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required for single-script accounts) The zone for the script. -
- (Required for multi-script accounts) The name for the script. -
- (Required) The script content.
» Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The zone id of the script (only for non-multi-script resources)
» Import
» single-script
To import a script from a single-script account, use an id like zone:example.com
$ terraform import cloudflare_worker_script.default zone:example.com
- the zone name
» multi-script
To import a script from a multi-script account, use an id like name:script_name
$ terraform import cloudflare_worker_script.default name:script_name
- the script name