» cloudflare_zone_lockdown
Provides a Cloudflare Zone Lockdown resource. Zone Lockdown allows you to define one or more URLs (with wildcard matching on the domain or path) that will only permit access if the request originates from an IP address that matches a safelist of one or more IP addresses and/or IP ranges.
» Example Usage
# Restrict access to these endpoints to requests from a known IP address.
resource "cloudflare_zone_lockdown" "endpoint_lockdown" {
zone = "api.mysite.com"
paused = "false"
description = "Restrict access to these endpoints to requests from a known IP address"
urls = [
configurations = [
"target" = "ip"
"value" = ""
» Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- The DNS zone to which the lockdown will be added. Will be resolved tozone_id
upon creation. -
- The DNS zone to which the access rule should be added. -
- (Optional) A description about the lockdown entry. Typically used as a reminder or explanation for the lockdown. -
- (Required) A list of simple wildcard patterns to match requests against. The order of the urls is unimportant. -
- (Required) A list of IP addresses or IP ranges to match the request against specified in target, value pairs. It's a complex value. See description below. The order of the configuration entries is unimportant. -
- (Optional) Boolean of whether this zone lockdown is currently paused. Default: false.
Note: Either zone
or zone_id
is required and zone
will be resolved to zone_id
upon creation.
The list item in configurations block supports:
- (Required) The request property to target. Allowed values: "ip", "ip_range" -
- (Required) The value to target. Depends on target's type. IP addresses should just be standard IPv4/IPv6 notation i.e.
and IP ranges in CIDR format i.e.
» Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The access rule ID.
» Import
Records can be imported using a composite ID formed of zone name and record ID, e.g.
$ terraform import cloudflare_zone_lockdown api.mysite.com/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
- zone lockdown ID as returned by API