» digitalocean_spaces_bucket

Provides a bucket resource for Spaces, DigitalOcean's object storage product.

The Spaces API was designed to be interoperable with Amazon's AWS S3 API. This allows users to interact with the service while using the tools they already know. Spaces mirrors S3's authentication framework and requests to Spaces require a key pair similar to Amazon's Access ID and Secret Key.

The authentication requirement can be met by either setting the SPACES_ACCESS_KEY_ID and SPACES_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables or the provider's spaces_access_id and spaces_secret_key arguments to the access ID and secret you generate via the DigitalOcean control panel. For example:

provider "digitalocean" {
  token             = "${var.digitalocean_token}"

  spaces_access_id  = "${var.access_id}"
  spaces_secret_key = "${var.secret_key}"

resource "digitalocean_spaces_bucket" "static-assets" {
  # ...

For more information, See An Introduction to DigitalOcean Spaces

» Example Usage

# Create a new bucket
resource "digitalocean_spaces_bucket" "foobar" {
  name   = "foobar"
  region = "nyc3"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the bucket
  • region - The region where the bucket resides (Defaults to nyc3)
  • acl - Canned ACL applied on bucket creation (private or public-read)
  • force_destroy - Unless true, the bucket will only be destroyed if empty (Defalts to false)

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • name - The name of the bucket
  • urn - The uniform resource name for the bucket
  • region - The name of the region
  • bucket_domain_name - The FQDN of the bucket (e.g. bucket-name.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com)

» Import

Buckets can be imported using the region and name attributes (delimited by a comma):

terraform import digitalocean_spaces_bucket.foobar `region`,`name`