» Data Source: flexibleengine_sfs_file_system_v2

Provides information about an Shared File System (SFS).

» Example Usage

    variable "share_name" { }

    variable "share_id" { }

    data "flexibleengine_sfs_file_system_v2" "shared_file"
        name = "${var.share_name}"
        id = "${var.share_id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Optional) The name of the shared file system.

  • id - (Optional) The UUID of the shared file system.

  • status - (Optional) The status of the shared file system.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • availability_zone - The availability zone name.

  • size - The size (GB) of the shared file system.

  • share_type - The storage service type for the shared file system, such as high-performance storage (composed of SSDs) or large-capacity storage (composed of SATA disks).

  • status - The status of the shared file system.

  • host - The host name of the shared file system.

  • is_public - The level of visibility for the shared file system.

  • share_proto - The protocol for sharing file systems.

  • volume_type - The volume type.

  • metadata - Metadata key and value pairs as a dictionary of strings.

  • export_location - The path for accessing the shared file system.

  • export_locations - The list of mount locations.

  • access_level - The level of the access rule.

  • access_rules_status - The status of the share access rule.

  • access_type - The type of the share access rule.

  • access_to - The access that the back end grants or denies.

  • state - The status of the access rule.

  • share_access_id - The UUID of the share access rule.

  • mount_id - The UUID of the mount location of the shared file system.

  • share_instance_id - The access that the back end grants or denies.

  • preferred - Identifies which mount locations are most efficient and are used preferentially when multiple mount locations exist.