» flexibleengine_vpc_peering_connection_v2

Provides a resource to manage a VPC Peering Connection resource.

» Example Usage

resource "flexibleengine_vpc_peering_connection_v2" "peering" {
  name = "${var.peer_conn_name}"
  vpc_id = "${var.vpc_id}"
  peer_vpc_id = "${var.accepter_vpc_id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name (Required) - Specifies the name of the VPC peering connection. The value can contain 1 to 64 characters.

  • vpc_id (Required) - Specifies the ID of a VPC involved in a VPC peering connection. Changing this creates a new VPC peering connection.

  • peer_vpc_id (Required) - Specifies the VPC ID of the accepter tenant. Changing this creates a new VPC peering connection.

  • peer_tenant_id (Optional) - Specified the Tenant Id of the accepter tenant. Changing this creates a new VPC peering connection.

» Attributes Reference

All of the argument attributes are also exported as result attributes:

  • id - The VPC peering connection ID.

  • status - The VPC peering connection status. The value can be PENDING_ACCEPTANCE, REJECTED, EXPIRED, DELETED, or ACTIVE.

» Notes

If you create a VPC peering connection with another VPC of your own, the connection is created without the need for you to accept the connection.

» Import

VPC Peering resources can be imported using the vpc peering id, e.g.

$ terraform import flexibleengine_vpc_peering_connection_v2.test_connection 22b76469-08e3-4937-8c1d-7aad34892be1