» github_issue_label

Provides a GitHub issue label resource.

This resource allows you to create and manage issue labels within your GitHub organization.

Issue labels are keyed off of their "name", so pre-existing issue labels result in a 422 HTTP error if they exist outside of Terraform. Normally this would not be an issue, except new repositories are created with a "default" set of labels, and those labels easily conflict with custom ones.

This resource will first check if the label exists, and then issue an update, otherwise it will create.

» Example Usage

# Create a new, red colored label
resource "github_issue_label" "test_repo" {
  repository = "test-repo"
  name       = "Urgent"
  color      = "FF0000"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • repository - (Required) The GitHub repository

  • name - (Required) The name of the label.

  • color - (Required) A 6 character hex code, without the leading #, identifying the color of the label.

  • description - (Optional) A short description of the label.

  • url - (Computed) The URL to the issue label

» Import

GitHub Issue Labels can be imported using an id made up of repository:name, e.g.

$ terraform import github_issue_label.panic_label terraform:panic