» google_container_cluster

Manages a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. For more information see the official documentation and the API reference.

resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
  name     = "my-gke-cluster"
  location = "us-central1"

  # We can't create a cluster with no node pool defined, but we want to only use
  # separately managed node pools. So we create the smallest possible default
  # node pool and immediately delete it.
  remove_default_node_pool = true
  initial_node_count = 1

  # Setting an empty username and password explicitly disables basic auth
  master_auth {
    username = ""
    password = ""

resource "google_container_node_pool" "primary_preemptible_nodes" {
  name       = "my-node-pool"
  location   = "us-central1"
  cluster    = "${google_container_cluster.primary.name}"
  node_count = 1

  node_config {
    preemptible  = true
    machine_type = "n1-standard-1"

    metadata {
      disable-legacy-endpoints = "true"

    oauth_scopes = [

# The following outputs allow authentication and connectivity to the GKE Cluster
# by using certificate-based authentication.
output "client_certificate" {
  value = "${google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.client_certificate}"

output "client_key" {
  value = "${google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.client_key}"

output "cluster_ca_certificate" {
  value = "${google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.cluster_ca_certificate}"

» Example Usage - with the default node pool

resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
  name               = "marcellus-wallace"
  location           = "us-central1-a"
  initial_node_count = 3

  # Setting an empty username and password explicitly disables basic auth
  master_auth {
    username = ""
    password = ""

  node_config {
    oauth_scopes = [

    metadata {
      disable-legacy-endpoints = "true"

    labels = {
      foo = "bar"

    tags = ["foo", "bar"]

  timeouts {
    create = "30m"
    update = "40m"

# The following outputs allow authentication and connectivity to the GKE Cluster
# by using certificate-based authentication.
output "client_certificate" {
  value = "${google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.client_certificate}"

output "client_key" {
  value = "${google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.client_key}"

output "cluster_ca_certificate" {
  value = "${google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.cluster_ca_certificate}"

» Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) The name of the cluster, unique within the project and location.

  • location - (Optional) The location (region or zone) in which the cluster master will be created, as well as the default node location. If you specify a zone (such as us-central1-a), the cluster will be a zonal cluster with a single cluster master. If you specify a region (such as us-west1), the cluster will be a regional cluster with multiple masters spread across zones in the region, and with default node locations in those zones as well.

  • zone - (Optional, Deprecated) The zone that the cluster master and nodes should be created in. If specified, this cluster will be a zonal cluster. zone has been deprecated in favour of location.

  • region (Optional, Deprecated) The region that the cluster master and nodes should be created in. If specified, this cluster will be a regional clusters where the cluster master and nodes (by default) will be created in several zones throughout the region. region has been deprecated in favour of location.

  • node_locations - (Optional) The list of zones in which the cluster's nodes should be located. These must be in the same region as the cluster zone for zonal clusters, or in the region of a regional cluster. In a multi-zonal cluster, the number of nodes specified in initial_node_count is created in all specified zones as well as the primary zone. If specified for a regional cluster, nodes will be created in only these zones.
  • additional_zones - (Optional) The list of zones in which the cluster's nodes should be located. These must be in the same region as the cluster zone for zonal clusters, or in the region of a regional cluster. In a multi-zonal cluster, the number of nodes specified in initial_node_count is created in all specified zones as well as the primary zone. If specified for a regional cluster, nodes will only be created in these zones. additional_zones has been deprecated in favour of node_locations.

  • addons_config - (Optional) The configuration for addons supported by GKE. Structure is documented below.

  • cluster_ipv4_cidr - (Optional) The IP address range of the kubernetes pods in this cluster. Default is an automatically assigned CIDR.

  • cluster_autoscaling - (Optional, Beta) Configuration for per-cluster autoscaling features, including node autoprovisioning. See guide in Google docs. Structure is documented below.

  • description - (Optional) Description of the cluster.

  • default_max_pods_per_node - (Optional, Beta) The default maximum number of pods per node in this cluster. Note that this does not work on node pools which are "route-based" - that is, node pools belonging to clusters that do not have IP Aliasing enabled. See the official documentation for more information.

  • enable_binary_authorization - (Optional, Beta) Enable Binary Authorization for this cluster. If enabled, all container images will be validated by Google Binary Authorization.

  • enable_kubernetes_alpha - (Optional) Whether to enable Kubernetes Alpha features for this cluster. Note that when this option is enabled, the cluster cannot be upgraded and will be automatically deleted after 30 days.

  • enable_tpu - (Optional, Beta) Whether to enable Cloud TPU resources in this cluster. See the official documentation.

  • enable_legacy_abac - (Optional) Whether the ABAC authorizer is enabled for this cluster. When enabled, identities in the system, including service accounts, nodes, and controllers, will have statically granted permissions beyond those provided by the RBAC configuration or IAM. Defaults to false

  • initial_node_count - (Optional) The number of nodes to create in this cluster's default node pool. Must be set if node_pool is not set. If you're using google_container_node_pool objects with no default node pool, you'll need to set this to a value of at least 1, alongside setting remove_default_node_pool to true.

  • ip_allocation_policy - (Optional) Configuration for cluster IP allocation. As of now, only pre-allocated subnetworks (custom type with secondary ranges) are supported. This will activate IP aliases. See the official documentation Structure is documented below. This field is marked to use Attribute as Block in order to support explicit removal with ip_allocation_policy = [].

  • logging_service - (Optional) The logging service that the cluster should write logs to. Available options include logging.googleapis.com, logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes (beta), and none. Defaults to logging.googleapis.com

  • maintenance_policy - (Optional) The maintenance policy to use for the cluster. Structure is documented below.

  • master_auth - (Optional) The authentication information for accessing the Kubernetes master. Structure is documented below.

  • master_authorized_networks_config - (Optional) The desired configuration options for master authorized networks. Omit the nested cidr_blocks attribute to disallow external access (except the cluster node IPs, which GKE automatically whitelists).

  • min_master_version - (Optional) The minimum version of the master. GKE will auto-update the master to new versions, so this does not guarantee the current master version--use the read-only master_version field to obtain that. If unset, the cluster's version will be set by GKE to the version of the most recent official release (which is not necessarily the latest version). Most users will find the google_container_engine_versions data source useful - it indicates which versions are available, and can be use to approximate fuzzy versions in a Terraform-compatible way. If you intend to specify versions manually, the docs describe the various acceptable formats for this field.

  • monitoring_service - (Optional) The monitoring service that the cluster should write metrics to. Automatically send metrics from pods in the cluster to the Google Cloud Monitoring API. VM metrics will be collected by Google Compute Engine regardless of this setting Available options include monitoring.googleapis.com, monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes (beta) and none. Defaults to monitoring.googleapis.com

  • network - (Optional) The name or self_link of the Google Compute Engine network to which the cluster is connected. For Shared VPC, set this to the self link of the shared network.

  • network_policy - (Optional) Configuration options for the NetworkPolicy feature. Structure is documented below.

  • node_config - (Optional) Parameters used in creating the default node pool. Generally, this field should not be used at the same time as a google_container_node_pool or a node_pool block; this configuration manages the default node pool, which isn't recommended to be used with Terraform. Structure is documented below.

  • node_pool - (Optional) List of node pools associated with this cluster. See google_container_node_pool for schema. Warning: node pools defined inside a cluster can't be changed (or added/removed) after cluster creation without deleting and recreating the entire cluster. Unless you absolutely need the ability to say "these are the only node pools associated with this cluster", use the google_container_node_pool resource instead of this property.

  • node_version - (Optional) The Kubernetes version on the nodes. Must either be unset or set to the same value as min_master_version on create. Defaults to the default version set by GKE which is not necessarily the latest version. This only affects nodes in the default node pool. While a fuzzy version can be specified, it's recommended that you specify explicit versions as Terraform will see spurious diffs when fuzzy versions are used. See the google_container_engine_versions data source's version_prefix field to approximate fuzzy versions in a Terraform-compatible way. To update nodes in other node pools, use the version attribute on the node pool.

  • pod_security_policy_config - (Optional, Beta) Configuration for the PodSecurityPolicy feature. Structure is documented below.

  • private_cluster_config - (Optional) A set of options for creating a private cluster. Structure is documented below.

  • project - (Optional) The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.

  • remove_default_node_pool - (Optional) If true, deletes the default node pool upon cluster creation. If you're using google_container_node_pool resources with no default node pool, this should be set to true, alongside setting initial_node_count to at least 1.

  • resource_labels - (Optional) The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the cluster.

  • subnetwork - (Optional) The name or self_link of the Google Compute Engine subnetwork in which the cluster's instances are launched.

The addons_config block supports:

  • horizontal_pod_autoscaling - (Optional) The status of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling addon, which increases or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller has based on the resource usage of the existing pods. It ensures that a Heapster pod is running in the cluster, which is also used by the Cloud Monitoring service. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.

  • http_load_balancing - (Optional) The status of the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.

  • kubernetes_dashboard - (Optional) The status of the Kubernetes Dashboard add-on, which controls whether the Kubernetes Dashboard is enabled for this cluster. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.

  • network_policy_config - (Optional) Whether we should enable the network policy addon for the master. This must be enabled in order to enable network policy for the nodes. It can only be disabled if the nodes already do not have network policies enabled. Defaults to disabled; set disabled = false to enable.

  • istio_config - (Optional, Beta). Structure is documented below.

  • cloudrun_config - (Optional, Beta). The status of the CloudRun addon. It requires istio_config enabled. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable. This addon can only be enabled at cluster creation time.

This example addons_config disables two addons:

addons_config {
  http_load_balancing {
    disabled = true
  horizontal_pod_autoscaling {
    disabled = true

The istio_config block supports:

  • disabled - (Optional) The status of the Istio addon, which makes it easy to set up Istio for services in a cluster. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.

  • auth - (Optional) The authentication type between services in Istio. Available options include AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS.

The cluster_autoscaling block supports:

  • enabled - (Required) Whether cluster-wide autoscaling is enabled (i.e.node autoprovisioning is enabled). To set this to true, make sure your config meets the rest of the requirements. Notably, you'll need min_master_version of at least 1.11.2.

  • resource_limits - (Optional) A list of limits on the autoprovisioning. See the docs for an explanation of what options are available. If enabling autoprovisioning, make sure to set at least cpu and memory. Structure is documented below.

The resource_limits block supports:

  • resource_type - (Required) See the docs for a list of permitted types - cpu, memory, and others.

  • minimum - (Optional) The minimum value for the resource type specified.

  • maximum - (Optional) The maximum value for the resource type specified.

The maintenance_policy block supports:

  • daily_maintenance_window - (Required) Time window specified for daily maintenance operations. Specify start_time in RFC3339 format "HH:MM”, where HH : [00-23] and MM : [00-59] GMT. For example:
maintenance_policy {
  daily_maintenance_window {
    start_time = "03:00"

The ip_allocation_policy block supports:

  • use_ip_aliases - (Optional) Whether alias IPs will be used for pod IPs in the cluster. Defaults to true if the ip_allocation_policy block is defined, and to the API default otherwise. Prior to June 17th 2019, the default on the API is false; afterwards, it's true.

  • cluster_secondary_range_name - (Optional) The name of the secondary range to be used as for the cluster CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for pod IP addresses. This must be an existing secondary range associated with the cluster subnetwork.

  • services_secondary_range_name - (Optional) The name of the secondary range to be used as for the services CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for service ClusterIPs. This must be an existing secondary range associated with the cluster subnetwork.

  • cluster_ipv4_cidr_block - (Optional) The IP address range for the cluster pod IPs. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.

  • node_ipv4_cidr_block - (Optional) The IP address range of the node IPs in this cluster. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.

  • services_ipv4_cidr_block - (Optional) The IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.

  • create_subnetwork- (Optional) Whether a new subnetwork will be created automatically for the cluster.

  • subnetwork_name - (Optional) A custom subnetwork name to be used if create_subnetwork is true. If this field is empty, then an automatic name will be chosen for the new subnetwork.

The master_auth block supports:

  • password - (Optional) The password to use for HTTP basic authentication when accessing the Kubernetes master endpoint.

  • username - (Optional) The username to use for HTTP basic authentication when accessing the Kubernetes master endpoint. If not present basic auth will be disabled.

  • client_certificate_config - (Optional) Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster. For example:

master_auth {
  client_certificate_config {
    issue_client_certificate = false

If this block is provided and both username and password are empty, basic authentication will be disabled. This block also contains several computed attributes, documented below. If this block is not provided, GKE will generate a password for you with the username admin.

The master_authorized_networks_config block supports:

  • cidr_blocks - (Optional) External networks that can access the Kubernetes cluster master through HTTPS.

The master_authorized_networks_config.cidr_blocks block supports:

  • cidr_block - (Optional) External network that can access Kubernetes master through HTTPS. Must be specified in CIDR notation.

  • display_name - (Optional) Field for users to identify CIDR blocks.

The network_policy block supports:

  • provider - (Optional) The selected network policy provider. Defaults to PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED.

  • enabled - (Optional) Whether network policy is enabled on the cluster. Defaults to false.

The node_config block supports:

  • disk_size_gb - (Optional) Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB. Defaults to 100GB.

  • disk_type - (Optional) Type of the disk attached to each node (e.g. 'pd-standard' or 'pd-ssd'). If unspecified, the default disk type is 'pd-standard'

  • guest_accelerator - (Optional) List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance. Structure documented below. To support removal of guest_accelerators in Terraform 0.12 this field is an Attribute as Block

  • image_type - (Optional) The image type to use for this node. Note that changing the image type will delete and recreate all nodes in the node pool.

  • labels - (Optional) The Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node.

  • local_ssd_count - (Optional) The amount of local SSD disks that will be attached to each cluster node. Defaults to 0.

  • machine_type - (Optional) The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type. Defaults to n1-standard-1. To create a custom machine type, value should be set as specified here.

  • metadata - (Optional) The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster. From GKE 1.12 onwards, disable-legacy-endpoints is set to true by the API; if metadata is set but that default value is not included, Terraform will attempt to unset the value. To avoid this, set the value in your config.

  • min_cpu_platform - (Optional) Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as Intel Haswell. See the official documentation for more information.

  • oauth_scopes - (Optional) The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs under the "default" service account. These can be either FQDNs, or scope aliases. The following scopes are necessary to ensure the correct functioning of the cluster:

  • preemptible - (Optional) A boolean that represents whether or not the underlying node VMs are preemptible. See the official documentation for more information. Defaults to false.

  • service_account - (Optional) The service account to be used by the Node VMs. If not specified, the "default" service account is used. In order to use the configured oauth_scopes for logging and monitoring, the service account being used needs the roles/logging.logWriter and roles/monitoring.metricWriter roles.

  • tags - (Optional) The list of instance tags applied to all nodes. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls.

  • taint - (Optional, Beta) List of kubernetes taints to apply to each node. Structure is documented below.

  • workload_metadata_config - (Optional, Beta) Metadata configuration to expose to workloads on the node pool. Structure is documented below.

The guest_accelerator block supports:

  • type (Required) - The accelerator type resource to expose to this instance. E.g. nvidia-tesla-k80.

  • count (Required) - The number of the guest accelerator cards exposed to this instance.

The pod_security_policy_config block supports:

  • enabled (Required) - Enable the PodSecurityPolicy controller for this cluster. If enabled, pods must be valid under a PodSecurityPolicy to be created.

The private_cluster_config block supports:

  • enable_private_endpoint (Optional) - Whether the master's internal IP address is used as the cluster endpoint.

  • enable_private_nodes (Optional) - Whether nodes have internal IP addresses only. If enabled, all nodes are given only RFC 1918 private addresses and communicate with the master via private networking.

  • master_ipv4_cidr_block (Optional) - The IP range in CIDR notation to use for the hosted master network. This range will be used for assigning internal IP addresses to the master or set of masters, as well as the ILB VIP. This range must not overlap with any other ranges in use within the cluster's network.

In addition, the private_cluster_config allows access to the following read-only fields:

  • private_endpoint - The internal IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.

  • public_endpoint - The external IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.

The taint block supports:

  • key (Required) Key for taint.

  • value (Required) Value for taint.

  • effect (Required) Effect for taint. Accepted values are NO_SCHEDULE, PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE, and NO_EXECUTE.

The workload_metadata_config block supports:

  • node_metadata (Required) How to expose the node metadata to the workload running on the node. Accepted values are:
    • UNSPECIFIED: Not Set
    • SECURE: Prevent workloads not in hostNetwork from accessing certain VM metadata, specifically kube-env, which contains Kubelet credentials, and the instance identity token. See Metadata Concealment documentation.
    • EXPOSE: Expose all VM metadata to pods.

» Attributes Reference

In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported:

» Timeouts

google_container_cluster provides the following Timeouts configuration options:

  • create - (Default 30 minutes) Used for clusters
  • update - (Default 30 minutes) Used for updates to clusters
  • delete - (Default 30 minutes) Used for destroying clusters.

» Import

GKE clusters can be imported using the project , zone or region, and name. If the project is omitted, the default provider value will be used. Examples:

$ terraform import google_container_cluster.mycluster my-gcp-project/us-east1-a/my-cluster

$ terraform import google_container_cluster.mycluster us-east1-a/my-cluster

For example, the following fields will show diffs if set in config: