» Data Source: hcloud_server

Provides details about a Hetzner Cloud Server. This resource is useful if you want to use a non-terraform managed server.

» Example Usage

data "hcloud_server" "s_1" {
  name = "my-server"
data "hcloud_server" "s_2" {
  id = "123"
data "hcloud_server" "s_3" {
  with_selector =  "key=value"

» Argument Reference

  • id - ID of the server.
  • name - Name of the server.
  • with_selector - Label Selector. For more information about possible values, visit the Hetzner Cloud Documentation.
  • with_status - (Optional, list) List only servers with the specified status, could contain initializing, starting, running, stopping, off, deleting, rebuilding, migrating, unknown.

» Attributes Reference

  • id - (int) Unique ID of the server.
  • name - (string) Name of the server.
  • server_type - (string) Name of the server type.
  • image - (string) Name or ID of the image the server was created from.
  • location - (string) The location name.
  • datacenter - (string) The datacenter name.
  • backup_window - (string) The backup window of the server, if enabled.
  • backups - (boolean) Whether backups are enabled.
  • iso - (string) Name of the mounted ISO image.
  • ipv4_address - (string) The IPv4 address.
  • ipv6_address - (string) The first IPv6 address of the assigned network.
  • ipv6_network - (string) The IPv6 network.
  • status - (string) The status of the server.
  • labels - (map) User-defined labels (key-value pairs)