» hcloud_rdns

Provides a Hetzner Cloud Reverse DNS Entry to create, modify and reset reverse dns entries for Hetzner Cloud Floating IPs or servers.

» Example Usage

For servers:

resource "hcloud_server" "node1" {
  name = "node1"
  image = "debian-9"
  server_type = "cx11"

resource "hcloud_rdns" "master" {
  server_id = "${hcloud_server.node1.id}"
  ip_address = "${hcloud_server.node1.ipv4_address}"
  dns_ptr = "example.com"

For Floating IPs:

resource "hcloud_floating_ip" "floating1" {
  home_location = "nbg1"
  type = "ipv4"

resource "hcloud_rdns" "floating_master" {
  floating_ip_id = "${hcloud_floating_ip.floating1.id}"
  ip_address = "${hcloud_floating_ip.floating1.ip_address}"
  dns_ptr = "example.com"

» Argument Reference

  • dns_ptr - (Required, string) The DNS address the ip_address should resolve to.
  • ip_address - (Required, string) The IP address that should point to dns_ptr.
  • server_id - (Required, int) The server the ip_address belongs to.
  • floating_ip_id - (Required, int) The Floating IP the ip_address belongs to.

» Attributes Reference

  • id - (int) Unique ID of the Reverse DNS Entry.
  • dns_ptr - (string) DNS pointer for the IP address.
  • ip_address - (string) IP address.
  • server_id - (int) The server the IP address belongs to.
  • floating_ip_id - (int) The Floating IP the IP address belongs to.

» Import

Reverse DNS entries can be imported using a compound ID with the following format: <prefix (s for server/ f for floating ip)>-<server or floating ip ID>-<IP address>

# import reverse dns entry on server with id 123, ip
terraform import hcloud_rdns.myrdns s-123-

# import reverse dns entry on floating ip with id 123, ip 2001:db8::1
terraform import hcloud_rdns.myrdns f-123-2001:db8::1