» heroku_app

Provides a Heroku App resource. This can be used to create and manage applications on Heroku.

» Example Usage

resource "heroku_app" "default" {
  name   = "my-cool-app"
  region = "us"

  config_vars {
    FOOBAR = "baz"

  buildpacks = [

» Example Usage for a Team

A Heroku "team" was originally called an "organization", and that is still the identifier used in this resource.

resource "heroku_app" "default" {
  name   = "my-cool-app"
  region = "us"

  organization {
    name = "my-cool-team"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the application. In Heroku, this is also the unique ID, so it must be unique and have a minimum of 3 characters.
  • region - (Required) The region that the app should be deployed in.
  • stack - (Optional) The application stack is what platform to run the application in.
  • buildpacks - (Optional) Buildpack names or URLs for the application. Buildpacks configured externally won't be altered if this is not present.
  • config_vars1 - (Optional) Configuration variables for the application. The config variables in this map are not the final set of configuration variables, but rather variables you want present. That is, other configuration variables set externally won't be removed by Terraform if they aren't present in this list.
  • sensitive_config_vars1 - (Optional) This argument is the same as config_vars. The main difference between the two is when sensitive_config_vars outputs are displayed on-screen following a terraform apply or terraform refresh, they are redacted, with displayed in place of their value. It is recommended to put private keys, passwords, etc in this argument.
  • space - (Optional) The name of a private space to create the app in.
  • internal_routing - (Optional) If true, the application will be routable only internally in a private space. This option is only available for apps that also specify space.
  • organization - (Optional) A block that can be specified once to define organization settings for this app. The fields for this block are documented below.
  • acm - (Optional) The flag representing Automated Certificate Management for the app.

The organization block supports:

» Deleting vars

Deleting an entire config_vars or sensitive_config_vars map from a heroku_app configuration will not actually remove the vars on the remote resource. To remove an existing variable, leave these attribute maps in-place and delete only its entries from the map. Once these attributes are empty, the map itself may be deleted from the configuration. Otherwise if one deletes the map with existing entries, the config vars will not be deleted from the remote resource.

This is especially important if you are migrating all config_vars to sensitive_config_vars or migrating config vars to heroku_app_config_association resource.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the app. This is also the name of the application.
  • name - The name of the application. In Heroku, this is also the unique ID.
  • stack - The application stack is what platform to run the application in.
  • space - The private space the app should run in.
  • internal_routing - Whether internal routing is enabled the private space app.
  • region - The region that the app should be deployed in.
  • git_url - The Git URL for the application. This is used for deploying new versions of the app.
  • web_url - The web (HTTP) URL that the application can be accessed at by default.
  • heroku_hostname - A hostname for the Heroku application, suitable for pointing DNS records.
  • all_config_vars - A map of all of the configuration variables that exist for the app, containing both those set by Terraform and those set externally.
  • uuid - The unique UUID of the Heroku app. NOTE: Use this for null_resource triggers.

» Import

Apps can be imported using the App id, e.g.

$ terraform import heroku_app.foobar MyApp