» heroku_app_config_association

Provides a Heroku App Config Association resource, making it possible to set/update/remove heroku app config vars independently from the heroku_app resource. An example usage scenario could be:

  • User has separate git repositories for various micro-services. Multiple micro-services use Kafka.
  • User has a separate repository for kafka terraform files with blue/green support.
  • User builds out new clusters.
  • Prior to this resource's introduction, user would need one terraform apply to update state and X number of terraform apply for each micro-service to pick up the new kafka clusters. However with this resource, user can do one terraform apply and let Heroku handle the rolling restarts to pick up the new config vars.

» "Sensitive" is not secret

Heroku does not have a 'sensitivity' distinction for its config variables. This distinction is only made during terraform plan and apply to avoid leaking sensitive data in the console output.

» Beware of conflicting vars

Be careful when having config variables defined in both heroku_app and heroku_app_config_association resources. As the latter resource has a dependency on the former, any overlapping config variables in heroku_app will be overwritten in heroku_app_config_association during a terraform apply. Furthermore, this overlap will cause an infinite dirty terraform plan if config variables have different values on both resources at the same time. It is recommended to use one or the other resource, not both, to manage your app(s) config vars.

» Example HCL

resource "heroku_config" "common" {
    name = "common-vars"

    vars = {
        LOG_LEVEL = "info"

    sensitive_vars = {
        PRIVATE_KEY = "some_private_key"

resource "heroku_app" "foobar" {
  name   = "my-cool-app"
  region = "us"

resource "heroku_app" "foobar2" {
  name   = "my-cool-app2"
  region = "us"

resource "heroku_app_config_association" "foobar" {
  app_id = "${heroku_app.foobar.id}"

  vars = "${heroku_config.common.vars}"
  sensitive_vars = "${heroku_config.common.sensitive_vars}"

resource "heroku_app_config_association" "foobar2" {
  app_id = "${heroku_app.foobar2.id}"

  vars = "${heroku_config.common.vars}"
  sensitive_vars = {
    DATABASE_URL = "some_db_url_that_has_auth_info"

» Argument Reference

  • app_id - (Required) A Heroku app's UUID. Can also be the name of the Heroku app but UUID is preferred as it is idempotent.
  • vars - Map of config vars that are can be outputted in plaintext.
  • sensitive_vars - This is the same as vars. The main difference between the two attributes is sensitive_vars outputs are redacted on-screen and replaced by a placeholder, following a terraform plan or apply. It is recommended to put private keys, passwords, etc in this argument.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the app config association.

» Import

The heroku_app_config_association resource's primary attributes are managed only within Terraform state. It does not exist as a native Heroku resource. Therefore, it is not possible to import an existing heroku_app_config_association resource.