» heroku_build

Provides a Heroku Build resource, to deploy source code to a Heroku app.

Either a URL or local path, pointing to a tarball of the source code, may be deployed. If a local path is used, it may instead point to a directory of source code, which will be tarballed automatically and then deployed.

This resource waits until the build & release completes.

If the build fails, the error will contain a URL to view the build log. curl "https://the-long-log-url-in-the-error".

To start the app from a successful build, use a Formation resource to specify the process, dyno size, and dyno quantity.

» Source code layout

The code contained in the source directory or tarball must follow the layout required by the buildpack or the Dockerfile for container builds.

» Building with Buildpacks

This is the default build process.

For apps that do not have a buildpack set, the official Heroku buildpacks will be searched until a match is detected and used to compile the app.

A Procfile may be required to successfully launch the app. Some buildpacks provide a default web process, such as npm start for Node.js. Other buildpacks may require a Procfile, like for a pure Ruby app.

» Building with Docker

To use container builds, set the parent heroku_app resource's stack = "container"

A heroku.yml manifest file is required to declare which Dockerfile to build for each process. Be careful not to create conflicting configuration between heroku.yml and Terraform, such as addons or config vars.

» Source URLs

A source.url may point to any https:// URL that responds to a GET with a tarball source code. When running terraform apply, the source code will only be fetched once for a successful build. Change the URL to force a new resource.

» GitHub URLs

GitHub provides release tarballs through URLs. Create a release and then use the tag as a source.url, such as:


Using a branch or master source.url is possible, but be aware that tracking down exactly what commit was deployed for a given terraform apply may be difficult. On the other hand, using stable release tags ensures repeatability of the Terraform configuration.

» Local source

A source.path may point to either:

  • a directory of source code
  • a tarball of source code

When running terraform apply, if the contents (SHA256) of the source path changed since the last apply, then a new build will start.

» Example Usage with Source URL

Ideal for production-quality, collaborative Terraform configuration, when stability & repeatability is favored.

resource "heroku_app" "foobar" {
    name   = "foobar"
    region = "us"

resource "heroku_build" "foobar" {
  app        = "${heroku_app.foobar.id}"
  buildpacks = ["https://github.com/mars/create-react-app-buildpack"]

  source = {
    # This app uses a community buildpack, set it in `buildpacks` above.
    url     = "https://github.com/mars/cra-example-app/archive/v2.1.1.tar.gz"
    version = "v2.1.1"

resource "heroku_formation" "foobar" {
  app        = "${heroku_app.foobar.id}"
  type       = "web"
  quantity   = 1
  size       = "Standard-1x"
  depends_on = ["heroku_build.foobar"]

» Example Usage with Local Source Directory

Ideal for quickly iterating local development.

resource "heroku_app" "foobar" {
    name   = "foobar"
    region = "us"

resource "heroku_build" "foobar" {
  app = "${heroku_app.foobar.id}"

  source = {
    # A local directory, changing its contents will
    # force a new build during `terraform apply`
    path = "../example-app"

resource "heroku_formation" "foobar" {
  app        = "${heroku_app.foobar.id}"
  type       = "web"
  quantity   = 1
  size       = "Standard-1x"
  depends_on = ["heroku_build.foobar"]

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • app - (Required) The ID of the Heroku app
  • buildpacks - List of buildpack GitHub URLs
  • source - (Required) A block that specifies the source code to build & release:
    • checksum - Hash of the source archive for verifying its integrity, auto-generated when source.path is set, SHA256:e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
    • path - (Required unless source.url is set) Local path to the source directory or tarball archive for the app
    • url - (Required unless source.path is set) https location of the source archive for the app
    • version - Use to track what version of your source originated this build. If you are creating builds from git-versioned source code, for example, the commit hash, or release tag would be a good value to use for the version parameter.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

» Import

Existing builds can be imported using the combination of the application name, a colon, and the build ID.

For example: $ terraform import heroku_build.foobar bazbux:4f1db8ef-ed5c-4c42-a3d6-3c28262d5abc

  • foobar is the heroku_build resource's name
  • bazbux is the Heroku app name (or ID) that the build belongs to
  • : separates the app identifier & the build identifier
  • 4f1db8ef… is the build ID