» heroku_space_inbound_ruleset

Provides a resource for managing inbound rulesets for Heroku Private Spaces.

» Example Usage

# Create a new Heroku space
resource "heroku_space" "default" {
  name         = "test-space"
  organization = "my-company"
  region       = "virginia"

# Allow all traffic EXCEPT to access the HPS.
resource "heroku_space_inbound_ruleset" "default" {
  space = "${heroku_space.default.name}"

  rule {
    action = "allow"
    source = ""

  rule {
    action = "deny"
    source = ""

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • space - (Required) The name of the space.
  • rule - (Required) At least one rule block. Rules are documented below.

A rule block supports the following arguments:

  • action - (Required) The action to apply this rule to. Must be one of allow or deny.
  • source - (Required) A CIDR block source for the rule.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the inbound ruleset.