» Data Source: huaweicloud_vpc_route_ids_v2

huaweicloud_vpc_route_ids_v2 provides a list of route ids for a vpc_id.

This resource can be useful for getting back a list of route ids for a vpc.

» Example Usage

 variable "vpc_id" { }

data "huaweicloud_vpc_route_ids_v2" "example" {
  vpc_id = "${var.vpc_id}"

data "huaweicloud_vpc_route_v2" "vpc_route" {
  count = "${length(data.huaweicloud_vpc_route_ids_v2.example.ids)}"
  id = "${data.huaweicloud_vpc_route_ids_v2.example.ids[count.index]}"

output "route_nexthop" {
  value = ["${data.huaweicloud_vpc_route_v2.vpc_route.*.nexthop}"]

» Argument Reference

  • vpc_id (Required) - The VPC ID that you want to filter from.

» Attributes Reference

  • ids - A list of all the route ids found. This data source will fail if none are found.