» huaweicloud_cce_cluster_v3

Provides a cluster resource (CCE).

» Example Usage

    variable "flavor_id" { }
    variable "vpc_id" { }
    variable "subnet_id" { }

    resource "huaweicloud_cce_cluster_v3" "cluster_1" {
     name = "cluster"
     cluster_type= "VirtualMachine"
     flavor_id= "${var.flavor_id}"
     vpc_id= "${var.vpc_id}"
     subnet_id= "${var.subnet_id}"
     container_network_type= "overlay_l2"
     description= "Create cluster"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) Cluster name. Changing this parameter will create a new cluster resource.

  • labels - (Optional) Cluster tag, key/value pair format. Changing this parameter will create a new cluster resource.

  • annotations - (Optional) Cluster annotation, key/value pair format. Changing this parameter will create a new cluster resource.

  • flavor_id - (Required) Cluster specifications. Changing this parameter will create a new cluster resource. Possible values:

    • cce.s1.small - small-scale single cluster (up to 50 nodes).
    • cce.s1.medium - medium-scale single cluster (up to 200 nodes).
    • cce.s1.large - large-scale single cluster (up to 1000 nodes).
    • cce.s2.small - small-scale HA cluster (up to 50 nodes).
    • cce.s2.medium - medium-scale HA cluster (up to 200 nodes).
    • cce.s2.large - large-scale HA cluster (up to 1000 nodes).
    • cce.t1.small - small-scale single physical machine cluster (up to 10 nodes).
    • cce.t1.medium - medium-scale single physical machine cluster (up to 100 nodes).
    • cce.t1.large - large-scale single physical machine cluster (up to 500 nodes).
    • cce.t2.small - small-scale HA physical machine cluster (up to 10 nodes).
    • cce.t2.medium - medium-scale HA physical machine cluster (up to 100 nodes).
    • cce.t2.large - large-scale HA physical machine cluster (up to 500 nodes).
  • cluster_version - (Optional) For the cluster version, possible values are v1.7.3-r10 or v1.9.2-r1.

  • cluster_type - (Required) Cluster Type, possible values are VirtualMachine and BareMetal. Changing this parameter will create a new cluster resource.

  • description - (Optional) Cluster description.

  • billing_mode - (Optional) Charging mode of the cluster, which is 0 (on demand). Changing this parameter will create a new cluster resource.

  • extend_param - (Optional) Extended parameter. Changing this parameter will create a new cluster resource.

  • vpc_id - (Required) The ID of the VPC used to create the node. Changing this parameter will create a new cluster resource.

  • subnet_id - (Required) The ID of the subnet used to create the node. Changing this parameter will create a new cluster resource.

  • highway_subnet_id - (Optional) The ID of the high speed network used to create bare metal nodes. Changing this parameter will create a new cluster resource.

  • container_network_type - (Required) Container network parameters. Possible values:

    • overlay_l2 - An overlay_l2 network built for containers by using Open vSwitch(OVS)
    • underlay_ipvlan - An underlay_ipvlan network built for bare metal servers by using ipvlan.
    • vpc-router - An vpc-router network built for containers by using ipvlan and custom VPC routes.
  • container_network_cidr - (Optional) Container network segment. Changing this parameter will create a new cluster resource.

» Attributes Reference

All above argument parameters can be exported as attribute parameters along with attribute reference.

  • id - Id of the cluster resource.

  • status - Cluster status information.

» Import

Cluster can be imported using the cluster id, e.g. $ terraform import huaweicloud_cce_cluster_v3.cluster_1 4779ab1c-7c1a-44b1-a02e-93dfc361b32d