» huaweicloud_maas_task_v1

Manages resource task within HuaweiCloud MAAS.

» Example Usage: Creating a MAAS task

resource "huaweicloud_maas_task_v1" "task_1" {
  description = "migration task"
  enable_kms = true
  thread_num = 1
  src_node {
    region = "cn-beijing"
    ak = "AK",
    sk = "SK",
    object_key = "123.txt",
    bucket = "maas-bucket",
  dst_node {
    region = "eu-de",
    ak = "AK",
    sk = "SK",
    object_key = "maas",
    bucket = "test-maas",

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • src_node - (Required) Specifies the source node information.

  • dst_node - (Required) Specifies the destination node information.

  • enable_kms - (Required) Specifies whether to use KMS encryption.

  • thread_num - (Required) Specifies the number of threads used by the migration task. The value cannot exceed 50.

  • description - (Optional) Specifies tasks description, which cannot exceed 255 characters. The following special characters are not allowed: <>()"&

  • smn_info - (Optional) Specifies the field used for sending messages using the Simple Message Notification (SMN) service.

The src_node block supports:

  • region - (Required) Specifies the region where the source bucket locates.
  • ak - (Required) Specifies the source bucket Access Key.
  • sk - (Required) Specifies the source bucket Secret Key.
  • object_key - (Required) Specifies the name of the object to be selected in the source bucket.
  • bucket - (Required) Specifies the name of the source bucket.
  • cloud_type - (Optional) Specifies the source cloud vendor. Currently only Aliyun and AWS are supported. The default value is Aliyun.

The dst_node block supports:

  • region - (Required) Specifies the region where the destination bucket locates.
  • ak - (Required) Specifies the destination bucket Access Key.
  • sk - (Required) Specifies the destination bucket Secret Key.
  • object_key - (Required) Specifies the name of the object to be selected in the destination bucket.
  • bucket - (Required) Specifies the name of the destination bucket.

The smn_info block supports:

  • topic_urn - (Required) Specifies the SMN message topic URN bound to a migration task.
  • language - (Optional) Specifies the management console language used by the current users. Users can select en-us.
  • trigger_conditions - (Required) Specifies the trigger conditions of sending messages using SMN. The value depending on the state of a migration task. The migration task status can be SUCCESS or FAIL.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • src_node - See Argument Reference above.
  • dst_node - See Argument Reference above.
  • enable_kms - See Argument Reference above.
  • thread_num - See Argument Reference above.
  • description - See Argument Reference above.
  • smn_info - See Argument Reference above.
  • name - Specifies the name for a task.
  • status - Specifies the task status as follows: 0: Not started, 1: Waiting to migrate, 2: Migrating, 3: Migration paused, 4: Migration failed, 5: Migration succeeded.