» huaweicloud_mls_instance

mls instance

» Example Usage

» Mls Instance Example

resource "huaweicloud_mrs_cluster_v1" "cluster1" {
  cluster_name = "mrs-cluster-acc"
  region = "en-OS_REGION_NAME"
  billing_type = 12
  master_node_num = 2
  core_node_num = 3
  master_node_size = "s1.4xlarge.linux.mrs"
  core_node_size = "s1.xlarge.linux.mrs"
  available_zone_id = "{{ availability_zone }}"
  vpc_id = "{{ vpc_id }}"
  subnet_id = "{{ network_id }}"
  cluster_version = "MRS 1.3.0"
  volume_type = "SATA"
  volume_size = 100
  safe_mode = 0
  cluster_type = 0
  node_public_cert_name = "KeyPair-ci"
  cluster_admin_secret = ""
  component_list {
    component_name = "Hadoop"
  component_list {
    component_name = "Spark"
  component_list {
    component_name = "Hive"
  timeouts {
    create = "60m"

resource "huaweicloud_mls_instance" "instance" {
  name = "terraform-mls-instancei"
  version = "1.5.0"
  flavor = "mls.c2.2xlarge.common"
  network {
    vpc_id = "{{ vpc_id }}"
    network_id = "{{ network_id }}"
    available_zone = "{{ availability_zone }}"
    public_ip {
      bind_type = "not_use"
  mrs_cluster {
    id = "${huaweicloud_mrs_cluster_v1.cluster1.id}"

  timeouts {
    create = "60m"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • flavor - (Required) Instance flavor

  • mrs_cluster - (Required) A nested object resource Structure is documented below.

  • name - (Required) Instance name. A tenant has a unique name of the instance of one type. Value range: An instance name must contain 4 to 64 characters and must start with a letter. The name is case insensitive and contains only letters, digits, and hyphens (-) or underscores (_), excluding other special characters.

  • network - (Required) A nested object resource Structure is documented below.

  • version - (Required) Instance version

The mrs_cluster block supports:

  • id - (Required) MRS cluster ID

  • user_name - (Optional) MRS cluster username. This parameter is mandatory only when the MRS cluster is in the security mode

  • user_password - (Optional) Password of the MRS cluster user

The network block supports:

  • available_zone - (Required) az

  • network_id - (Required) ID of the subnet where the instance resides

  • public_ip - (Required) A nested object resource Structure is documented below.

  • security_group_id - (Optional) ID of the security group of the instance

  • vpc_id - (Required) ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) where the instance resides

The public_ip block supports:

  • bind_type - (Required) Bind type. Possible values: auto_assign, not_use

  • eip_id - EIP ID. This parameter value is returned only when bindType is set to auto_assign

  • agency - (Optional) Agency name. This parameter is mandatory only when you bind an instance to an elastic IP address (EIP). An instance must be bound to an EIP to grant MLS rights to obtain a tenant's token.

» Attributes Reference

In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported:

  • created - Time when the instance is created. The parameter format is yyyy-mm-dd Thh:mm:ssZ. In the format, T indicates a time start point and Z specifies a UTC offset, for example, the Beijing time offset is +0800


  • id - instance id

  • inner_endpoint - URL for accessing the instance. Only machines in the same VPC and subnet as the instance can access the URL

  • public_endpoint - URL for accessing the instance. The URL can be accessed from the Internet. The URL is created only after the instance is bound to an EIP.

  • status - Instance status. Possible values: CREATING AVAILABLE FAILED CREATION FAILED

  • updated - Time when the instance is updated. The parameter format is the same as the format of the created parameter

» Timeouts

This resource provides the following timeouts configuration options: - create - Default is 10 minute. - delete - Default is 10 minute.

» Import

Instance can be imported using the following format:

$ terraform import huaweicloud_mls_instance.default {{ resource id}}