» jdcloud_disk
Provides a JDCloud disk
Currently disks paid by "prepaid_by_duration" cannot be deleted before they are expired
» Example Usage
resource "jdcloud_disk" "example" {
az = "cn-north-1a"
name = "example_disk"
description = "test"
disk_type = "ssd"
disk_size_gb = 60
» Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required): A string to name this cloud disk -
- (Required): The volume of this disk. For a "ssd" disk, the volume varies from 20Gb-2000Gb, for a "prenium-hdd" disk, the volume varies from 20Gb to 3000Gb. -
- (Required): Can be "ssd" or "prenium-hdd" -
- (Required): The place that this disk will be locate at. -
- (Optional): Idempotent check parameter. If you have no idea about this parameter, just leave it blank and a default one will be generated. -
- (Optional): Determine if this disk can be attached to several instance at the same time. -
- (Optional): Describe this disk -
- (Optional): If you would like to create a disk from an existing snapshot, fill in the id here -
- (Optional): Candidate payment method lists as following :- "prepaid_by_duration" : Pay before using at a planned interval
- "postpaid_by_usage" : Pay after using, price will be determined according to disk specs and time
- "postpaid_by_duration":Pay after using, price will be determined according to disk specs and time
- (Optional): Used only when charge_mode is prepaid_by_duration, can be "month" ,"year", default : "month" -
- (Optional): Used only when charge_mode is prepaid_by_duration, specifies how long you would like to buy. When charge_duration is "month", charge_unit varies from 1 to 9, when duration is "year", charge_unit varies from 1 to 3.
» Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The id of this disk, can be used to attach/detach from an instance, look like vol-xxxx
» Import
Existing disk object can be imported to Terraform state by specifying the disk id:
terraform import jdcloud_disk.example vol-abc12345678