» jdcloud_instance

Provides a JDCloud ECS instance

» Example Usage

resource "jdcloud_instance" "vm-1" {
  az = "cn-north-1a"
  instance_name = "my-vm-1"
  instance_type = "c.n1.large"
  image_id = "bba85cab-dfdc-4359-9218-7a2de429dd80"
  password = "example_password"
  subnet_id = "example_subnetid"
  network_interface_name = "example_ni_name"
  primary_ip = ""
  secondary_ips = ["",""]
  secondary_ip_count   = 2
  security_group_ids = ["example_SgId"]
  sanity_check = 1

  elastic_ip_bandwidth_mbps = 10
  elastic_ip_provider = "bgp"

  system_disk = {
    disk_category = "local"
    device_name = "vda"
    disk_size_gb =  40

  data_disk = {
    disk_category = "local"
    auto_delete = true
    device_name = "vdb"

  data_disk = {
    disk_category = "cloud"
    device_name = "vdc"
    disk_type = "ssd"
    disk_name = "exampleDisk"
    disk_size_gb = 50
    az = "cn-north-1a"

    auto_delete = true
    disk_name = "vm1-datadisk-1"
    description = "test"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • az - (Required) The available zone this ECS instance locates at
  • instance_name - (Required) Instance name is a string consists of no more than 32 characters, available characters contains:
    • Chinese characters
    • alphanumeric characters
    • "_" and "-" (Underline and hyphen)
  • instance_type - (Required) Less than 32 characters, available instance type
  • images_id - (Required) Image id used to create this ECS instance, can be public image , private image and cloud market place image.
  • subnet_id - (Required) The id of a VPC subnet. ECS instance created will be in this VPC
  • system_disk - (Required) The parameter of your system_disk contains:

    • disk_category - (Required): can be local or cloud. Especially when the region of this instance is cn-north-1. Only local disk is available. For other regions, both local and cloud are fine.
    • disk_size_gb - (Required) : The volume of your disk size, for a local system disk locates at cn-north-1, the volume will be fixed to 40Gb
    • device_name - (Required) : Specify the logical attachment point , for example, attachment point can be "vba" "vbc" etc. Just to make sure this point is available with no other device using it.
  • data_disk - (Optional) : Similar to system disk. You can also create number of data disks together with your ECS instance.

    • disk_category - (Required): A string , can be "local" or "cloud".
    • device_name - (Required) : Specify the logical attachment point , for example, attachment point can be "vba" "vbc" etc. Just to make sure this point is available with no other device using it.
    • disk_type - (Required) : Type of this disk, "ssd" or "prenium-hdd".
    • disk_size_gb - (Required) : The volume of your disk size, for "ssd", volume varies from 20Gb to 1000 Gb. For "prenium-hdd" disk, volume varies from 20Gb to 3000Gb
    • disk_name - (Required): A string used to name this disk
    • az - (Required): The place this disk will be locate at
    • auto_delete - (Optional) : Bool value. If this value is set to "true", disk will be deleted when it is detached from instance.
    • snapshot_id - (Optional) :Fill in if you would like to create this disk from a snapshot.
    • description - (Optional) : Description of this disk
  • description - (Optional) Description of this ECS instance

  • password - (Optional) If password of this instance is not set. A default password will be sent to you by email and SMS

  • key_names - (Optional) Name of the key pair used to login to instance. Look like ${jdcloud_key_pairs.key-1.key_name}

  • primary_ip - (Optional) You can specify an public IP address for this instance. If not specified, default public ip address will be generated and assigned.

  • elastic_ip_bandwidth - (Optional) Specify the bandwidth of your public ip.

  • elastic_ip_provider - (Optional) Name of your ip service provider, can be bgp or no_bgp, according to the region this instance locates at:

    • cn-north-1 : bgp
    • cn-south-1 : bgp or no_bgp
    • cn-east-1 : bgp or no_bgp
    • cn-east-2 : bgp
  • security_group_id - (Optional) A list of security group ids to associate with

  • network_interface_name - (Optional) The id of a network interface, each ECS comes with a elastic network interface. You can leave it as a default name or specify a name you would like to see.

  • sanity_check - (Optional) : Idempotent check for this network interface, if you have no idea what this parameter is about, just leave it blank.

  • secondary_ips - (Optional) A list of private ips. These private ips will be associated with the primary network interface on this instance

  • secondary_ip_count - (Optional) Besides specifying some private ips. By specifying this , a number of private ips will be generated and associated with the network interface.

» Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The id of this instance, can be used to attach disk, network interface.
  • disk_id - Ids of data disk, can be used to detach certain cloud disk.