» jdcloud_instance_template

Instances can be built from images and templates, this resources helps you to create an instance template. Instance templates can useful when using Availability-Group

» Example Usage

resource "jdcloud_instance_template" "instance_template" {
  "template_name" = "<Name it as you like>"
  "password" = "<Give it a password>"
  "instance_type" = "g.n2.medium"
  "image_id" = "img-example"
  "bandwidth" = 5
  "description" = "GrandJDcloud"
  "ip_service_provider" = "BGP"
  "charge_mode" = "bandwith"
  "subnet_id" = "subnet-exmaple"
  "security_group_ids" = [" sg-example"]
  "system_disk" = {
    "disk_category" = "local"
    "disk_type" = ""
  "data_disks" = {
    disk_category = "cloud"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported

  • template_name - (Required) : A string, name your instance template
  • password - (Optional) : String. Once this filed is set. All instance created from this template will use this password
  • instance_type - (Required) : Specs of this Instance. More available instance type lists Here
  • image_id - (Required) : A string, which image you would like to use, usually Ubuntu image or Golang images are good choices
  • ElasticIP - (Optional) : If you would like a public IP, fill in here
    • ip_service_provider - (Optional): BGP or NonBGP. Principles of them are the same as creating instance, if you are not sure, leave it blank
    • charge_mode - (Optional): Candidates are bandwith and flow. By default its bandwith
    • bandwidth - (Required) : Integer, ranges from 1 to 200
  • subnet_id - (Required) : This field determines which vpc and subnet instances will be
  • security_group_ids - (Required) : Slices consists of strings. It states the security-groups on this instance
  • description - (Optional) : Describe it, Just like other resources.
  • system_disk - (Required) : Parameters for system_disk contains
    • disk_category - (Required): can be local or cloud. Especially when the region of this instance is cn-north-1. Only local disk is available. For other regions, both local and cloud are fine.
    • disk_size_gb - (Required) : The volume of your disk size, for a local system disk locates at cn-north-1, the volume will be fixed to 40Gb
    • device_name - (Required) : Specify the logical attachment point , for example, attachment point can be "vba" "vbc" etc. Just to make sure this point is available with no other device using it.
  • data_disks - (Optional) :
    • disk_category - (Required): A string , can be "local" or "cloud".
    • device_name - (Required) : Specify the logical attachment point , for example, attachment point can be "vba" "vbc" etc. Just to make sure this point is available with no other device using it.
    • disk_type - (Required) : Type of this disk, "ssd" or "prenium-hdd".
    • disk_size_gb - (Required) : The volume of your disk size, for "ssd", volume varies from 20Gb to 1000 Gb. For "prenium-hdd" disk, volume varies from 20Gb to 3000Gb
    • disk_name - (Required): A string used to name this disk
    • az - (Required): The place this disk will be locate at
    • auto_delete - (Optional) : Bool value. If this value is set to "true", disk will be deleted when it is detached from instance.
    • snapshot_id - (Optional) :Fill in if you would like to create this disk from a snapshot.
    • description - (Optional) : Description of this disk

» Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The id of this instance template