» jdcloud_network_interface

Provides a JDCloud network interface

» Example Usage

resource "jdcloud_network_interface" "example-ineterface" {
  subnet_id = "subnet-example"
  network_interface_name = "example"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • subnet_id - (Required) : Subnet is a string which represents the created network interface belong to
  • network_interface_name - (Required) : The name of this network interface
  • description - (Optional) : Describe this network interface
  • az - (Optional) : The place this network interface locates at
  • primary_ip_address - (Optional) : This is a string of an IP address, specify or leave it blank and a default ip address will be generated and assigned.
  • sanity_check - (Optional) : Idempotent check for this network interface, if you have no idea what this parameter is about, just leave it blank.
  • secondary_ip_addresses - (Optional) : This is a list of private ip addresses, by the time you create a network interface, you can also specify some private ip addresses with it.
  • secondary_ip_count - (Optional) : If you just want some certain amount of private ip addresses, but not care about what they actually are. Fill in the amount of ips, system will generate them for you.
  • security_groups - (Optional) : A list of security group ids you would like to associate this network interface with.

» Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id : The id of this network interface, can be used to attach/detach from an instance