» jdcloud_rds_instance
Provides a JDCloud RDS instance.
» Example Usage
resource "jdcloud_rds_instance" "rds_example"{
instance_name = "example"
engine = "MySQL"
engine_version = "5.7"
instance_class = "db.mysql.s1.micro"
instance_storage_gb = "20"
az = "cn-north-1a"
vpc_id = "vpc-example"
subnet_id = "subnet-example"
charge_mode = "postpaid_by_usage"
» Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) : Name this RDS instance. Restriction on instance_name lists following- Chinese characters and alphanumeric characters
- "_" and "-" (Underline and hyphen)
- No less than 2 characters and no more than 32 characters
- (Required) : Candidate database engine type lists following- MySQL
- Percona
- MariaDB
- SQL-Server
- (Required) : Select engine version for your cloud database- MySQL : 5.6 or 5.7
- Percona : Only 5.7 available
- MariaDB : Only 10.2 available
- SQL-Server : 2008R2 / 2012 / 2014 / 2016
- (Required) : Each RDS instance is indeed an ECS instance. So you also have to choose its specification, for example, core numbers and memory -
- (Required) : Storage size of this RDS instance -
- (Required) : The place that this RDS instance locates at -
- (Required) : Each instance is supposed to exists under a subnet as well as a vpc, fill in the id of the vpc in this field. -
- (Required) : Each instance is supposed to exists under a subnet as well as a vpc, fill in the id of subnet in this field. -
- (Required) : Charge mode can be- prepaid_by_duration: This means you would like to pay for a planned term before using this instance. Especially, you can not delete a RDS instance of "prepaid_by_duration" type before they expired. Each account can have at most 5 RDS instance
- postpaid_by_duration: This means that you would like to pay for a unplanned term after using this instance
- postpaid_by_usage: This means you would like to pay after usage according to the instance spec.
- (Optional) : Used only when charge mode is "prepaid_by_duration", can be "month" or "year", by default this value is "month" -
- (Optional) : Used only when charge_mode is prepaid_by_duration, specifies how long you would like to buy. When charge_duration is "month", charge_unit varies from 1 to 9, when duration is "year", charge_unit varies from 1 to 3.
» Attribute Reference
The following attributes are exported:
: The id of this RDS instance, can be used to reference this instance.