» jdcloud_subnet

Provides a JDCloud subnet

» Example Usage

resource "jdcloud_subnet" "subnet-exmaple"{
    vpc_id = "vpc-example"
    cidr_block = ""
    subnet_name = "example"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • subnet_name - (Required) : Name this subnet. Naming rules are : Can't be blank and only supports for Chinese, numbers, capital and lowercase letters, English underline “_” and hyphen “-”. No more than 32 characters
  • vpc_id - (Required) : Subnets are supposed to exists under a vpc , fill the id of vpc here
  • cidr_block - (Required) : The address interval this subnet contains. Especially the cidr_block of this subnet can not have overlap with other subnet in this VPC
  • description - (Optional) : Describe this subnet

» Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id : id of this subnet, used to reference this subnet

» Import

Existing route table can be imported to Terraform state by specifying the route table id:

terraform import jdcloud_route_table.example rtb-abc12345678