» linode_rdns

Provides a Linode RDNS resource. This can be used to create and modify RDNS records.

Linode RDNS names must have a matching address value in an A or AAAA record. This A or AAAA name must be resolvable at the time the RDNS resource is being associated.

For more information, see the Linode APIv4 docs and the Configure your Linode for Reverse DNS guide.

» Example Usage

The following example shows how one might use this resource to configure an RDNS address for an IP address.

resource "linode_rdns" "foo" {
  address = "${linode_instance.foo.ip_address}"
  rdns = "${linode_instance.foo.ip_address}.nip.io"

resource "linode_instance" "foo" {
   image = "linode/alpine3.9"
   region = "ca-east"
   type = "g6-dedicated-2"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • address - The Public IPv4 or IPv6 address that will receive the PTR record. A matching A or AAAA record must exist.

  • rdns - The name of the RDNS address.

» Import

Linodes RDNS resources can be imported using the address as the id.

terraform import linode_rdns.foo