» mysql_grant

The mysql_grant resource creates and manages privileges given to a user on a MySQL server.

» Granting Privileges to a User

resource "mysql_user" "jdoe" {
  user     = "jdoe"
  host     = "example.com"
  password = "password"

resource "mysql_grant" "jdoe" {
  user       = "${mysql_user.jdoe.user}"
  host       = "${mysql_user.jdoe.host}"
  database   = "app"
  privileges = ["SELECT", "UPDATE"]

» Granting Privileges to a Role

resource "mysql_role" "developer" {
  name = "developer"

resource "mysql_grant" "developer" {
  role       = "${mysql_role.developer.name}"
  database   = "app"
  privileges = ["SELECT", "UPDATE"]

» Adding a Role to a User

resource "mysql_user" "jdoe" {
  user     = "jdoe"
  host     = "example.com"
  password = "password"

resource "mysql_role" "developer" {
  name = "developer"

resource "mysql_grant" "developer" {
  user     = "${mysql_user.jdoe.user}"
  host     = "${mysql_user.jdoe.host}"
  database = "app"
  roles    = ["${mysql_role.developer.name}"]

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • user - (Optional) The name of the user. Conflicts with role.
  • host - (Optional) The source host of the user. Defaults to "localhost". Conflicts with role.
  • role - (Optional) The role to grant privileges to. Conflicts with user and host.
  • database - (Required) The database to grant privileges on.
  • table - (Optional) Which table to grant privileges on. Defaults to *, which is all tables.
  • privileges - (Optional) A list of privileges to grant to the user. Refer to a list of privileges (such as here) for applicable privileges. Conflicts with roles.
  • roles - (Optional) A list of rols to grant to the user. Conflicts with privileges.
  • tls_option - (Optional) An TLS-Option for the GRANT statement. The value is suffixed to REQUIRE. A value of 'SSL' will generate a GRANT ... REQUIRE SSL statement. See the MYSQL GRANT documentation for more. Ignored if MySQL version is under 5.7.0.
  • grant - (Optional) Whether to also give the user privileges to grant the same privileges to other users.

» Attributes Reference

No further attributes are exported.