» Data Source: ncloud_server_images

To create a server instance (VM), you should select a server image. This data source gets a list of server images.

» Example Usage

data "ncloud_server_images" "all" {
  "output_file" = "server_images.json"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • product_name_regex - (Optional) A regex string to apply to the server image list returned by ncloud.
  • exclusion_product_code - (Optional) Product code you want to exclude from the list.
  • product_code - (Optional) Product code you want to view on the list. Use this when searching for 1 product.
  • platform_type_code_list - (Optional) Values required for identifying platforms in list-type. The available values are as follows: Linux 32Bit(LNX32) | Linux 64Bit(LNX64) | Windows 32Bit(WND32) | Windows 64Bit(WND64) | Ubuntu Desktop 64Bit(UBD64) | Ubuntu Server 64Bit(UBS64)
  • block_storage_size - (Optional) Block storage size.
  • region - (Optional) Region code. Get available values using the data source ncloud_regions. Default: KR region.
  • infra_resource_detail_type_code - (Optional) infra resource detail type code.
  • output_file - (Optional) The name of file that can save data source after running terraform plan.

» Attributes Reference