» Data Source: ncloud_server_products

You should select a server product (server specification) to create a server instance (VM). To this end, we provide data source by which you can search a server product.

» Example Usage

data "ncloud_server_products" "all" {
  # server_image_product_code: You can get one from `data ncloud_server_images`
  "server_image_product_code" = "SPSW0LINUX000032"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • server_image_product_code - (Required) You can get one from data ncloud_server_images. This is a required value, and each available server's specification varies depending on the server image product.
  • product_name_regex - (Optional) A regex string to apply to the Server Product list returned.
  • exclusion_product_code - (Optional) Enter a product code to exclude from the list.
  • product_code - (Optional) Enter a product code to search from the list. Use it for a single search.
  • region - (Optional) Region code. Get available values using the data source ncloud_regions. Default: KR region.
  • zone - (Optional) Zone code. You can decide a zone where servers are created. You can decide which zone the product list will be requested at. default : Select the first Zone in the specific region Get available values using the data source ncloud_zones.
  • internet_line_type_code - (Optional) Internet line code. PUBLC(Public), GLBL(Global)

» Attributes Reference