» ncloud_nas_volume

Provides a ncloud NAS volume.

» Example Usage

resource "ncloud_nas_volume" "test" {
    "volume_name_postfix"            = "vol"
    "volume_size"                    = "600"
    "volume_allotment_protocol_type" = "NFS"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • volume_name_postfix - (Required) Name of a NAS volume to create. Enter a volume name that can be 3-20 characters in length after the name already entered for user identification.
  • volume_size - (Required) Enter the nas volume size to be created. You can enter in GiB.
  • volume_allotment_protocol_type - (Required) Volume allotment protocol type code. NFS | CIFS NFS: You can mount the volume in a Linux server such as CentOS and Ubuntu. CIFS: You can mount the volume in a Windows server.
  • server_instance_no_list - (Optional) List of server instance numbers for which access to NFS is to be controlled
  • custom_ip_list - (Optional) To add a server of another account to the NAS volume, enter a private IP address of the server.
  • cifs_user_name - (Optional) CIFS user name. The ID must contain a combination of English alphabet and numbers, which can be 6-20 characters in length.
  • cifs_user_password - (Optional) CIFS user password. The password must contain a combination of at least 2 English letters, numbers and special characters, which can be 8-14 characters in length.
  • description - (Optional) NAS volume description
  • region - (Optional) Region code. Get available values using the data source ncloud_regions. Default: KR region.
  • zone - (Optional) Zone code. Zone in which you want to create a NAS volume. Default: The first zone of the region. Get available values using the data source ncloud_zones.

» Attributes Reference