» ncloud_server

Provides a ncloud server instance resource.

» Example Usage

resource "ncloud_server" "server" {
    "name" = "tf-test-vm1"
    "server_image_product_code" = "SPSW0LINUX000032"
    "server_product_code" = "SPSVRSTAND000004"

    "tag_list" = [
            "tag_key"   = "samplekey1"
            "tag_value" = "samplevalue1"
            "tag_key"   = "samplekey2"
            "tag_value" = "samplevalue2"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • server_image_product_code - (Optional) Server image product code to determine which server image to create. It can be obtained through data ncloud_server_images. You are required to select one among two parameters: server image product code (server_image_product_code) and member server image number(member_server_image_no).
  • server_product_code - (Optional) Server product code to determine the server specification to create. It can be obtained through the getServerProductList action. Default : Selected as minimum specification. The minimum standards are 1. memory 2. CPU 3. basic block storage size 4. disk type (NET,LOCAL)
  • member_server_image_no - (Optional) Required value when creating a server from a manually created server image. It can be obtained through the getMemberServerImageList action.
  • name - (Optional) Server name to create. default: Assigned by ncloud
  • description - (Optional) Server description to create
  • login_key_name - (Optional) The login key name to encrypt with the public key. Default : Uses the most recently created login key name
  • is_protect_server_termination - (Optional) You can set whether or not to protect return when creating. default : false
  • internet_line_type - (Optional) Internet line identification code. PUBLC(Public), GLBL(Global). default : PUBLC(Public)
  • fee_system_type_code - (Optional) A rate system identification code. There are time plan(MTRAT) and flat rate (FXSUM). Default : Time plan(MTRAT)
  • zone - (Optional) Zone code. You can determine the ZONE where the server will be created. Default : Assigned by NAVER Cloud Platform. Get available values using the data source ncloud_zones.
  • access_control_group_configuration_no_list - (Optional) You can set the ACG created when creating the server. ACG setting number can be obtained through the getAccessControlGroupList action. Default : Default ACG number
  • user_data - (Optional) The server will execute the user data script set by the user at first boot. To view the column, it is returned only when viewing the server instance.
  • raid_type_name - (Optional) Raid Type Name.
  • tag_list - (Optional) Server instance tag list.
    • tag_key - (Required) Instance tag key
    • tag_value - (Required) Instance tag value

» Attributes Reference