» netlify_site

Primary settings for the Netlify site - should contain the bulk of your configuration. Allows configuration of most aspects of your Netlify site.

» Example Usage

resource "netlify_site" "main" {
  name = "my-site"

  repo {
    command = "middleman build"
    deploy_key_id = "${netlify_deploy_key.key.id}"
    dir = "/build"
    provider = "github"
    repo_path = "username/repo"
    repo_branch = "master"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

» Repository

repo supports the following argument

  • command - (Optional) - shell command run before deployment, typically used to build the site
  • deploy_key_id - (Optional) - a deploy key id from the deploy_key resource
  • dir - (Optional) - the directory to deploy
  • provider - (Required) - name of your VCS provider
  • repo_path - (Required) - path to your repo, typically username/reponame
  • repo_branch - (Required) - branch to be deployed