» nomad_quota_specification

Manages a quota specification in a Nomad cluster.

» Example Usage

Registering a quota specification:

resource "nomad_quota_specification" "prod_api" {
  name        = "prod-api"
  description = "Production instances of backend API servers"

  limits {
    region = "global"

    region_limit {
      cpu       = 2400
      memory_mb = 1200

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name (string: <required>) - A unique name for the quota specification.
  • description (string: "") - A description of the quota specification.
  • limits (block: <required>) - A block of quota limits to enforce. Can be repeated. See below for the structure of this block.

» limits blocks

The limits block describes the quota limits to be enforced. It supports the following arguments:

  • region (string: <required>) - The region these limits should apply to.
  • region_limit (block: <required>) - The limits to enforce. This block may only be specified once in the limits block. Its structure is documented below.

» region_limit blocks

The region_limit block describes the quota limits to be enforced on a region. It supports the following arguments:

  • cpu (int: 0) - The amount of CPU to limit allocations to. A value of zero is treated as unlimited, and a negative value is treated as fully disallowed.
  • memory_mb (int: 0) - The amount of memory (in megabytes) to limit allocations to. A value of zero is treated as unlimited, and a negative value is treated as fully disallowed.