» nsxt_dhcp_server_ip_pool
Provides a resource to configure IP Pool for logical DHCP server on NSX-T manager
» Example Usage
data "nsxt_edge_cluster" "edgecluster" {
display_name = "edgecluster1"
resource "nsxt_dhcp_server_profile" "serverprofile" {
edge_cluster_id = "${data.nsxt_edge_cluster.edgecluster.id}"
resource "nsxt_logical_dhcp_server" "logical_dhcp_server" {
display_name = "logical_dhcp_server"
dhcp_profile_id = "${nsxt_dhcp_server_profile.PRF.id}"
dhcp_server_ip = ""
gateway_ip = ""
resource "nsxt_dhcp_server_ip_pool" "dhcp_ip_pool" {
display_name = "ip pool"
description = "ip pool"
logical_dhcp_server_id = "${nsxt_logical_dhcp_server.logical_dhcp_server.id}"
gateway_ip = ""
lease_time = 1296000
error_threshold = 98
warning_threshold = 70
ip_range {
start = ""
end = ""
dhcp_option_121 {
network = ""
next_hop = ""
dhcp_generic_option {
code = "119"
values = ["abc"]
tag = {
scope = "color"
tag = "red"
» Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Optional) The display name of this resource. Defaults to ID if not set. -
- (Optional) Description of this resource. -
- (Required) DHCP server uuid. Changing this would force new pool to be created. -
- (Optional) Gateway IP. -
- (Required) IP Ranges to be used within this pool. -
- (Optional) Lease time in seconds. Default is 86400. -
- (Optional) Error threshold in percent. Valid values are from 80 to 100, default is 100. -
- (Optional) Warning threshold in percent. Valid values are from 50 to 80, default is 80. -
- (Optional) DHCP classless static routes. If specified, overrides DHCP server settings. -
- (Optional) Generic DHCP options. If specified, overrides DHCP server settings. -
- (Optional) A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this logical DHCP server.
» Attributes Reference
In addition to arguments listed above, the following attributes are exported:
- ID of the DHCP server IP pool. -
- Indicates current revision number of the object as seen by NSX-T API server. This attribute can be useful for debugging.
» Importing
An existing DHCP server IP Pool can be imported into this resource, via the following command:
terraform import nsxt_dhcp_server_ip_pool.ip_pool DHCP_SERVER_UUID POOL_UUID
The above would import the IP pool named ip pool
for dhcp server with nsx ID DHCP_SERVER_UUID
and pool nsx id POOL_UUID