» nsxt_firewall_section

This resource provides a way to configure a firewall section on the NSX manager. A firewall section is a collection of firewall rules that are grouped together.

» Example Usage

resource "nsxt_firewall_section" "firewall_sect" {
  description  = "FS provisioned by Terraform"
  display_name = "FS"

  tag {
    scope = "color"
    tag   = "blue"

  applied_to {
    target_type = "NSGroup"
    target_id   = "${nsxt_ns_group.group1.id}"

  section_type = "LAYER3"
  stateful     = true

  rule {
    display_name          = "out_rule"
    description           = "Out going rule"
    action                = "ALLOW"
    logged                = true
    ip_protocol           = "IPV4"
    direction             = "OUT"
    destinations_excluded = "false"
    sources_excluded      = "true"

    source {
      target_type = "LogicalSwitch"
      target_id   = "${nsxt_logical_switch.switch1.id}"

    destination {
      target_type = "LogicalSwitch"
      target_id   = "${nsxt_logical_switch.switch2.id}"

  rule {
    display_name = "in_rule"
    description  = "In going rule"
    action       = "DROP"
    logged       = true
    ip_protocol  = "IPV4"
    direction    = "IN"

    service {
      target_type = "NSService"
      target_id   = "e8d59e13-484b-4825-ae3b-4c11f83249d9"

    service {
      target_type = "NSService"
      target_id   = "${nsxt_l4_port_set_ns_service.http.id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • display_name - (Optional) The display name of this firewall section. Defaults to ID if not set.
  • description - (Optional) Description of this firewall section.
  • tag - (Optional) A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this firewall section.
  • applied_to - (Optional) List of objects where the rules in this section will be enforced. This will take precedence over rule level applied_to. [Supported target types: "LogicalPort", "LogicalSwitch", "NSGroup"]
  • section_type - (Required) Type of the rules which a section can contain. Either LAYER2 or LAYER3. Only homogeneous sections are supported.
  • stateful - (Required) Stateful or Stateless nature of firewall section is enforced on all rules inside the section. Layer3 sections can be stateful or stateless. Layer2 sections can only be stateless.
  • rule - (Optional) A list of rules to be applied in this section. each rule has the following arguments:
    • display_name - (Optional) The display name of this rule. Defaults to ID if not set.
    • description - (Optional) Description of this rule.
    • action - (Required) Action enforced on the packets which matches the firewall rule. [Allowed values: "ALLOW", "DROP", "REJECT"]
    • applied_to - (Optional) List of objects where rule will be enforced. The section level field overrides this one. Null will be treated as any. [Supported target types: "LogicalPort", "LogicalSwitch", "NSGroup"]
    • destination - (Optional) List of the destinations. Null will be treated as any. [Allowed target types: "IPSet", "LogicalPort", "LogicalSwitch", "NSGroup", "MACSet" (depending on the section type)]
    • destinations_excluded - (Optional) When this boolean flag is set to true, the rule destinations will be negated.
    • direction - (Optional) Rule direction in case of stateless firewall rules. This will only considered if section level parameter is set to stateless. Default to IN_OUT if not specified. [Allowed values: "IN", "OUT", "IN_OUT"]
    • disabled - (Optional) Flag to disable rule. Disabled will only be persisted but never provisioned/realized.
    • ip_protocol - (Optional) Type of IP packet that should be matched while enforcing the rule. [allowed values: "IPV4", "IPV6", "IPV4_IPV6"]
    • logged - (Optional) Flag to enable packet logging. Default is disabled.
    • notes - (Optional) User notes specific to the rule.
    • rule_tag - (Optional) User level field which will be printed in CLI and packet logs.
    • service - (Optional) List of the services. Null will be treated as any. [Allowed target types: "NSService", "NSServiceGroup"]
    • source - (Optional) List of sources. Null will be treated as any. [Allowed target types: "IPSet", "LogicalPort", "LogicalSwitch", "NSGroup", "MACSet" (depending on the section type)]
    • sources_excluded - (Optional) When this boolean flag is set to true, the rule sources will be negated.

» Attributes Reference

In addition to arguments listed above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - ID of the firewall section.
  • revision - Indicates current revision number of the object as seen by NSX-T API server. This attribute can be useful for debugging.
  • is_default - A boolean flag which reflects whether a firewall section is default section or not. Each Layer 3 and Layer 2 section will have at least and at most one default section.

» Importing

An existing Firewall section can be imported into this resource, via the following command:

terraform import nsxt_firewall_section.firewall_sect UUID

The above command imports the firewall section named firewall_sect with the NSX id UUID.