» nsxt_lb_http_response_rewrite_rule

Provides a resource to configure lb http response rewrite rule on NSX-T manager. This rule will be executed when HTTP response message is received by load balancer.

» Example Usages

This example represents a superset of all possible conditions (and thus doesn't make much sense). More specific examples are provided below.

resource "nsxt_lb_http_response_rewrite_rule" "lb_rule" {
  description = "lb_rule provisioned by Terraform"
  display_name = "lb_rule"
  match_strategy = "ALL"

  tag = {
    scope = "color"
    tag   = "blue"

  request_header_condition {
    name       = "header1"
    value      = "bad"
    match_type = "EQUALS"
    inverse    = true

  response_header_condition {
    name       = "header1"
    value      = "good"
    match_type = "EQUALS"
    inverse    = false

  cookie_condition {
    name           = "name1"
    value          = "cookie1"
    match_type     = "STARTS_WITH"
    case_sensitive = true

  cookie_condition {
    name           = "name2"
    value          = "cookie2"
    match_type     = "STARTS_WITH"
    case_sensitive = true

  method_condition {
    method = "HEAD"

  version_condition {
    version = "HTTP_VERSION_1_1"
    inverse = true

  uri_condition {
    uri        = "/index.html"
    match_type = "EQUALS"

  uri_arguments_condition {
    uri_arguments = "delete"
    match_type    = "CONTAINS"
    inverse       = true

  ip_condition {
    source_address = ""

  tcp_condition {
    source_port = 7887

  header_rewrite_action {
    name  = "header1"
    value = "even better"

The following rule will match if request header X-FORWARDED-FOR does not start with "192.168", request method is GET and response content is json:

resource "nsxt_lb_http_response_rewrite_rule" "lb_rule1" {
  match_strategy = "ALL"

  request_header_condition {
    name       = "X-FORWARDED-FOR"
    value      = "192.168"
    match_type = "STARTS_WITH"
    inverse    = true

  response_header_condition {
    name       = "Content-Type"
    value      = "/json"
    match_type = "CONTAINS"
    inverse    = false

  method_condition {
    method = "GET"

  header_rewrite_action {
    name  = "header1"
    value = "value2"

The following rule will match if response header X-TEST contains "apples" or "pears", regardless of the case:

resource "nsxt_lb_http_response_rewrite_rule" "lb_rule1" {
  match_strategy = "ANY"

  response_header_condition {
    name           = "X-TEST"
    value          = "apples"
    match_type     = "CONTAINS"
    case_sensitive = false

  response_header_condition {
    name           = "X-TEST"
    value          = "pears"
    match_type     = "CONTAINS"
    case_sensitive = false

  header_rewrite_action {
    name  = "header1"
    value = "value2"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • description - (Optional) Description of this resource.
  • display_name - (Optional) The display name of this resource. Defaults to ID if not set.
  • tag - (Optional) A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this lb rule.
  • match_strategy - (Required) Strategy to define how load balancer rule is considered a match when multiple match conditions are specified in one rule. If set to ALL, then load balancer rule is considered a match only if all the conditions match. If set to ANY, then load balancer rule is considered a match if any one of the conditions match.

  • request_header_condition - (Optional) Set of match conditions used to match http request header:

    • name - (Required) The name of HTTP header to match.
    • value - (Required) The value of HTTP header to match.
    • match_type - (Required) Defines how value field is used to match the header value of HTTP request. Accepted values are STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, EQUALS, REGEX. Header name field does not support match types.
    • case_sensitive - (Optional) If true, case is significant in the match. Default is true.
    • inverse - (Optional) A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition. Default is false.
  • response_header_condition - (Optional) Set of match conditions used to match http response header:

    • name - (Required) The name of HTTP header to match.
    • value - (Required) The value of HTTP header to match.
    • match_type - (Required) Defines how value field is used to match the header value of HTTP response. Accepted values are STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, EQUALS, REGEX. Header name field does not support match types.
    • case_sensitive - (Optional) If true, case is significant in the match. Default is true.
    • inverse - (Optional) A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition. Default is false.
  • cookie_condition - (Optional) Set of match conditions used to match http request cookie:

    • name - (Required) The name of cookie to match.
    • value - (Required) The value of cookie to match.
    • match_type - (Required) Defines how value field is used to match the cookie. Accepted values are STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, EQUALS, REGEX.
    • case_sensitive - (Optional) If true, case is significant in the match. Default is true.
    • inverse - (Optional) A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition. Default is false.
  • method_condition - (Optional) Set of match conditions used to match http request method:

    • method - (Required) One of GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, OPTIONS.
    • inverse - (Optional) A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition. Default is false.
  • version_condition - (Optional) Match condition used to match http version of the request:

    • version - (Required) One of HTTP_VERSION_1_0, HTTP_VERSION_1_1.
    • inverse - (Optional) A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition. Default is false.
  • uri_condition - (Optional) Set of match conditions used to match http request URI:

    • uri - (Required) The value of URI to match.
    • match_type - (Required) Defines how value field is used to match the URI. Accepted values are STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, EQUALS, REGEX.
    • case_sensitive - (Optional) If true, case is significant in the match. Default is true.
    • inverse - (Optional) A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition. Default is false.
  • uri_arguments_condition - (Optional) Set of match conditions used to match http request URI arguments (query string):

    • uri_arguments - (Required) Query string of URI, typically contains key value pairs.
    • match_type - (Required) Defines how value field is used to match the URI. Accepted values are STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, EQUALS, REGEX.
    • case_sensitive - (Optional) If true, case is significant in the match. Default is true.
    • inverse - (Optional) A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition. Default is false.
  • ip_condition - (Optional) Set of match conditions used to match IP header values of HTTP message:

    • source_address - (Required) The value source IP address to match.
    • inverse - (Optional) A flag to indicate whether reverse the match result of this condition. Default is false.
  • header_rewrite_action - (Required) Set of header rewrite actions to be executed on the outgoing response when load balancer rule matches:

    • name - (Required) The name of HTTP header to be rewritten.
    • value - (Required) The new value of HTTP header.

» Attributes Reference

In addition to arguments listed above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - ID of the lb rule.
  • revision - Indicates current revision number of the object as seen by NSX-T API server. This attribute can be useful for debugging.

» Importing

An existing lb rule can be imported into this resource, via the following command: } }

terraform import nsxt_lb_http_response_rewrite_rule.lb_rule UUID

The above would import the lb rule named lb_rule with the nsx id UUID