» nsxt_lb_http_virtual_server

Provides a resource to configure lb http or https virtual server on NSX-T manager

» Example Usage

resource "nsxt_lb_http_application_profile" "http_xff" {
  x_forwarded_for = "INSERT"

resource "nsxt_lb_cookie_persistence_profile" "session_persistence" {
  cookie_name = "SESSION"

resource "nsxt_lb_pool" "pool1" {
  algorithm = "LEAST_CONNECTION"
  member {
    ip_address = ""
    port       = "443"
  member {
    ip_address = ""
    port       = "443"

resource "nsxt_lb_pool" "sorry_pool" {
  member {
    ip_address = ""
    port       = "443"

resource "nsxt_lb_http_request_rewrite_rule" "redirect_post" {
  match_strategy = "ALL"
  method_condition {
    method = "POST"

  uri_rewrite_action {
    uri = "/sorry_page.html"

resource "nsxt_lb_client_ssl_profile" "ssl1" {
  prefer_server_ciphers = true

resource "nsxt_lb_server_ssl_profile" "ssl1" {
  session_cache_enabled = false

resource "nsxt_lb_http_virtual_server" "lb_virtual_server" {
  description                = "lb_virtual_server provisioned by terraform"
  display_name               = "virtual server 1"
  access_log_enabled         = true
  application_profile_id     = "${nsxt_lb_http_application_profile.http_xff.id}"
  enabled                    = true
  ip_address                 = ""
  port                       = "443"
  default_pool_member_port   = "8888"
  max_concurrent_connections = 50
  max_new_connection_rate    = 20
  persistence_profile_id     = "${nsxt_lb_cookie_persistence_profile.session_persistence.id}"
  pool_id                    = "${nsxt_lb_pool.pool1.id}"
  sorry_pool_id              = "${nsxt_lb_pool.sorry_pool.id}"
  rule_ids                   = ["${nsxt_lb_http_request_rewrite_rule.redirect_post.id}"]

  client_ssl {
    client_ssl_profile_id   = "${nsxt_lb_client_ssl_profile.ssl1.id}"
    default_certificate_id  = "${data.nsxt_certificate.cert1.id}"
    certificate_chain_depth = 2
    client_auth             = true
    ca_ids                  = ["${data.nsxt_certificate.ca.id}"]
    crl_ids                 = ["${data.nsxt_certificate.crl.id}"]
    sni_certificate_ids     = ["${data.nsxt_certificate.sni.id}"]

  server_ssl {
    server_ssl_profile_id   = "${nsxt_lb_server_ssl_profile.ssl1.id}"
    client_certificate_id   = "${data.nsxt_certificate.client.id}"
    certificate_chain_depth = 2
    server_auth             = true
    ca_ids                  = ["${data.nsxt_certificate.server_ca.id}"]
    crl_ids                 = ["${data.nsxt_certificate.crl.id}"]

  tag {
    scope = "color"
    tag   = "green"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • description - (Optional) Description of this resource.
  • display_name - (Optional) The display name of this resource. Defaults to ID if not set.
  • enabled - (Optional) Whether the virtual server is enabled. Default is true.
  • ip_address - (Required) Virtual server IP address.
  • port - (Required) Virtual server port.
  • tag - (Optional) A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this lb http virtual server.
  • access_log_enabled - (Optional) Whether access log is enabled. Default is false.
  • application_profile_id - (Required) The application profile defines the application protocol characteristics.
  • default_pool_member_port - (Optional) Default pool member port.
  • max_concurrent_connections - (Optional) To ensure one virtual server does not over consume resources, affecting other applications hosted on the same LBS, connections to a virtual server can be capped. If it is not specified, it means that connections are unlimited.
  • max_new_connection_rate - (Optional) To ensure one virtual server does not over consume resources, connections to a member can be rate limited. If it is not specified, it means that connection rate is unlimited.
  • persistence_profile_id - (Optional) Persistence profile is used to allow related client connections to be sent to the same backend server.
  • pool_id - (Optional) Pool of backend servers. Server pool consists of one or more servers, also referred to as pool members, that are similarly configured and are running the same application.
  • sorry_pool_id - (Optional) When load balancer can not select a backend server to serve the request in default pool or pool in rules, the request would be served by sorry server pool.
  • rule_ids - (Optional) List of load balancer rules that provide customization of load balancing behavior using match/action rules.
  • client_ssl - (Optional) Client side SSL customization.

    • client_ssl_profile_id - (Required) Id of client SSL profile that defines reusable properties.
    • default_certificate_id - (Required) Id of certificate that will be used if the server does not host multiple hostnames on the same IP address or if the client does not support SNI extension.
    • certificate_chain_depth - (Optional) Allowed depth of certificate chain. Default is 3.
    • client_auth - (Optional) Whether client authentication is mandatory. Default is false.
    • ca_ids - (Optional) List of CA certificate ids for client authentication.
    • crl_ids - (Optional) List of CRL certificate ids for client authentication.
    • sni_certificate_ids - (Optional) List of certificates to serve different hostnames.
  • server_ssl - (Optional) Server side SSL customization.

    • server_ssl_profile_id - (Required) Id of server SSL profile that defines reusable properties.
    • server_auth - (Optional) Whether server authentication is needed. Default is False. If true, ca_ids should be provided.
    • certificate_chain_depth - (Optional) Allowed depth of certificate chain. Default is 3.
    • client_certificate_id - (Optional) Whether server authentication is required. Default is false.
    • ca_ids - (Optional) List of CA certificate ids for server authentication.
    • crl_ids - (Optional) List of CRL certificate ids for server authentication.

» Attributes Reference

In addition to arguments listed above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - ID of the lb http virtual server.
  • revision - Indicates current revision number of the object as seen by NSX-T API server. This attribute can be useful for debugging.

» Importing

An existing lb http virtual server can be imported into this resource, via the following command:

terraform import nsxt_lb_http_virtual_server.lb_http_virtual_server UUID

The above would import the lb http virtual server named lb_http_virtual_server with the nsx id UUID