» nsxt_lb_service

Provides a resource to configure lb service on NSX-T manager. Note that lb service needs to be attached to Tier-1 router that satisfies following preconditions: * It needs to reside on edge cluster * It needs to be condigured with either uplink port or centralized service port

In order to enforce correct order of create/delete, it is recommended to add depends_on clause to lb service.

» Example Usage

data "nsxt_edge_cluster" "EC" {
  display_name = "%s"

data "nsxt_logical_tier0_router" "test" {
  display_name = "%s"

resource "nsxt_logical_router_link_port_on_tier0" "test" {
  display_name      = "port_on_tier0"
  logical_router_id = "${data.nsxt_logical_tier0_router.test.id}"

resource "nsxt_logical_tier1_router" "test" {
  display_name    = "test"
  edge_cluster_id = "${data.nsxt_edge_cluster.EC.id}"

resource "nsxt_logical_router_link_port_on_tier1" "test" {
  logical_router_id             = "${nsxt_logical_tier1_router.test.id}"
  linked_logical_router_port_id = "${nsxt_logical_router_link_port_on_tier0.test.id}"

resource "nsxt_lb_service" "lb_service" {
  description  = "lb_service provisioned by Terraform"
  display_name = "lb_service"

  tag = {
    scope = "color"
    tag   = "red"

  enabled           = true
  logical_router_id = "${nsxt_logical_tier1_router.test.id}"
  error_log_level   = "INFO"
  size              = "MEDIUM"

  depends_on        = ["nsxt_logical_router_link_port_on_tier1.test"]

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • description - (Optional) Description of this resource.
  • display_name - (Optional) The display name of this resource. Defaults to ID if not set.
  • tag - (Optional) A list of scope + tag pairs to associate with this lb service.
  • logical_router_id - (Required) Tier1 logical router this service is attached to. Note that this router needs to have edge cluster configured, and have an uplink port or CSP (centralized service port).
  • enabled - (Optional) whether the load balancer service is enabled.
  • error_log_level - (Optional) Load balancer engine writes information about encountered issues of different severity levels to the error log. This setting is used to define the severity level of the error log.
  • size - (Required) Size of load balancer service. Accepted values are SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE.
  • virtual_server_ids - (Optional) Virtual servers associated with this Load Balancer.

» Attributes Reference

In addition to arguments listed above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - ID of the lb_service.
  • revision - Indicates current revision number of the object as seen by NSX-T API server. This attribute can be useful for debugging.

» Importing

An existing lb service can be imported into this resource, via the following command:

terraform import nsxt_lb_service.lb_service UUID

The above would import the lb service named lb_service with the nsx id UUID