» Data Source: oci_containerengine_node_pool

This data source provides details about a specific Node Pool resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine service.

Get the details of a node pool.

» Example Usage

data "oci_containerengine_node_pool" "test_node_pool" {
    node_pool_id = "${oci_containerengine_node_pool.test_node_pool.id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • cluster_id - The OCID of the cluster to which this node pool is attached.
  • compartment_id - The OCID of the compartment in which the node pool exists.
  • id - The OCID of the node pool.
  • initial_node_labels - A list of key/value pairs to add to nodes after they join the Kubernetes cluster.
    • key - The key of the pair.
    • value - The value of the pair.
  • kubernetes_version - The version of Kubernetes running on the nodes in the node pool.
  • name - The name of the node pool.
  • node_image_id - The OCID of the image running on the nodes in the node pool.
  • node_image_name - The name of the image running on the nodes in the node pool.
  • node_metadata - A list of key/value pairs to add to each underlyingOracle Cloud Infrastructure instance in the node pool.
  • node_shape - The name of the node shape of the nodes in the node pool.
  • nodes - The nodes in the node pool.
    • availability_domain - The name of the availability domain in which this node is placed.
    • error - An error that may be associated with the node.
      • code - A short error code that defines the upstream error, meant for programmatic parsing. See API Errors.
      • message - A human-readable error string of the upstream error.
    • id - The OCID of the compute instance backing this node.
    • lifecycle_details - Details about the state of the node.
    • name - The name of the node.
    • node_pool_id - The OCID of the node pool to which this node belongs.
    • public_ip - The public IP address of this node.
    • state - The state of the node.
    • subnet_id - The OCID of the subnet in which this node is placed.
  • quantity_per_subnet - The number of nodes in each subnet.
  • ssh_public_key - The SSH public key on each node in the node pool.
  • subnet_ids - The OCIDs of the subnets in which to place nodes for this node pool.